«I believe there are conditions to change some parameters with the aim of better supporting local, regional and national publishing. It is a strategic sector of civil life. Being informed is a constitutional right and for this reason it is a duty to support the world of information."

This was said by the undersecretary to the Presidency of the Council with responsibility for Information and Publishing Alberto Barachini who in the afternoon, accompanied by Forza Italia deputy Ugo Cappellacci, visited the editorial offices of L'Unione Sarda and Videolina before meeting the general director and the vice president of the group Lia Serreli and Franco Siddi.

«Publishing and information - Barachini clarified - have suffered competition, sometimes fair, sometimes less fair, from the large web platforms that distribute information without being publishers and without the responsibilities of the publishers themselves . Today, with the advent of artificial intelligence, this front is even more risky due to the impact it can have on regional and national publishing. For this reason, even more so, our publishing companies must be protected."

And on local TV: «They offer a local service with their constant presence in the area. It is a strategic system for Italy" . In the video the interview with the Undersecretary for Publishing and Information Alberto Barachini.

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