Local authorities in Sardinia are among the fastest in paying invoices to businesses . In 2023, in fact, the Sardinian municipalities paid for public works carried out in an average of 24 days , 6 below the limit imposed by the Community Directive on payments which in fact imposes 30 days as the ordinary payment deadline for all sectors of the PA.

These data place the island in fourth place nationally for speed , in the ranking opened by Veneto (20 days), and then Friuli and Trentino (22).

This is what emerges from the latest analysis on the "Payment times of the Municipalities", carried out by the Research Office of Confartigianato Imprese Sardegna on MEF-RGS data from the year just ended.

The most recent municipal data shows that out of the 375 island municipalities, 242 pay within 30 days (64.5%), 124 within 60 days (33.1%), 8 reach 90 (2.1%) and only 1 reaches 180 (0.3%).

The towns in the province of Sassari were the most virtuous , followed by those in Southern Sardinia with 29 on average, Nuoro with 32 and Oristano and Cagliari with 35.

«The average speed of payments that we have detected is positive – comments Fabio Mereu , President of Confartigianato Imprese Sardegna – but there are still Sardinian entrepreneurs who receive what they should after 30 days, forcing them to draw from their own resources or, worse, to go into debt with the banking system. This is why it is necessary to support those Local Administrations that are unable to comply with the terms of the Directive ."

«Beyond the positive data – continues Mereu – our proposal is clear: dry, direct and universal compensation between the debts of the Public Administration towards companies and the tax and social security debts of the companies supplying the PA itself is increasingly necessary ».


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