The THIRD SECTOR is an important presence in our system which, historically present even before, has had specific recognition in our constitution in art. 2, with the principle of solidarity and with the principle of subsidiarity ... These principles outlined by the Constitution and their experience by our communities express a decisive aspect of our "living together". The principle of subsidiarity represents one of the ways in which solidarity is achieved: not through vertical and directive public intervention, but thanks to the exercise of individual and collective responsibility, it takes charge, at least in part, of that grandiose plan represented by the principles constitutional.

The third sector has assumed relevance in the management of the "public public", activating interventions that affect different fields of society. Here it is important to remember the important, I would say fundamental, role assumed during the pandemic, where the intervention of third sector volunteers was fundamental both for the detection of needs and for their satisfaction. In this sense, with the creation of the CITIZEN AND SPORTSMAN DESK it is intended to provide in an easy and accessible way to all citizens - especially to managers and members of associations and subjects operating in various capacities in the world of sport and the Third Sector - the necessary information, basic orientation and adequate assistance on administrative, management and fiscal issues, with the aim of simplifying procedures and facilitating the work of associations which in turn act as a driving force for civil society, supporting and protecting ordinary and extraordinary activities.

Every year the PA allocates important budget items to the third sector, however it is not always fully aware of the many possibilities of interventions suggested starting from the actual needs of the territory, creating a "network" to deal with difficulties, planning and designing remedies for the needs of the community thus avoiding losing opportunities and available resources.

The services that the project will offer will be free, aimed at citizens in difficulty, members and managers of affiliated ASD/SSD and beyond. Some of these are listed below:

  • legal, legal, fiscal, social security, financial assistance;
  • assistance to the person in dealing with paperwork, questions, etc.;
  • employment consultancy and personnel management;
  • increase in management skills;
  • useful and necessary tools and knowledge for both the institutional and management activities of new Third Sector INSTITUTIONS and/or associations, as well as continuous updating on administrative, fiscal and management aspects;
  • promotion of civil "good practices" and training;
  • organization of conferences and training initiatives across the entire national territory that are completely free and accessible to anyone who requests assistance and gives a mandate (with the protection of sensitive data) to the Help Desk or relevant desk.

The project is aimed at activating initiatives for the involvement of civil society, bodies, institutions and businesses, in a growth process based on sustainability issues and on innovative forms of development consistent with territorial vocations, also taking as reference other positive experiences of the island territory by creating relations and relationships with existing operational realities, aimed at defining an action plan for the development of territorial vocations, aimed in particular at young people and vulnerable individuals, for social inclusion, training and job placement, support for the creation of independent work activities in the non-profit sector.

Expenditure supported with the contribution of the Sardinia Region referred to in Regional Law 21 February 2023, n. 1, Table D” CUP E29I23000720002

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