What is the impact of inflation on Italians' incomes ? According to Acli research, conducted by the National Observatory of Income and Families in collaboration with Caf Acli and Iref (Institute of Educational and Training Research), families lose around 240 euros per month .

The regional ACLI had already raised the alarm for Sardinia after the publication of the Istat data: on the island, they underline, the incidence of individual relative poverty is equal to 20%, a figure higher than the 14.8% of the national average , and much higher than the 9.2% in the North, 9.9% in the Center, and only slightly lower than the 25.3% in the South.

"It is no better - they add - for the data on relative family poverty , where Sardinia is sixth in terms of percentage of families living in relative poverty , with 15.3%, compared to the 10.9% of the national average".

At the basis of the worsening there is above all the trend in inflation generated in part by the increase in energy and also by the subsequent failure to control the costs of food «not all caused by a similar increase in transport costs but by speculation widespread which has added to the consequences of climate change on some basic foodstuffs, such as olive oil".

To give some figures, « in Sardinia, the consumer price index for the entire community (base 2015=100) in 2023 is equal to 120.6, while at a national level it is equal to 119.6 : this means that a Sardinian family has to spend 21% more than in 2015 to purchase the same basket of goods, while in the rest of Italy they spend 20% more. However, what happened in the post-pandemic period is very interesting: in fact in 2020 the consumer price index in Sardinia was lower than the national level, 102.1 versus 102.7, while today it is the opposite. If we look at how much the price level associated with that basket has grown, we see that the Sardinians face a +18.5 increase in prices compared to 2020, while the average of Italian families faces a lower increase of +16 ,9”.

«It is time to intervene to reverse this spiral of poverty - comments Mauro Carta , regional president of the Acli - it is absolutely necessary to pay greater attention to those who live in poverty and more generally to all the families who have to face these increases. As Acli we continue to be present in the territories to work with local communities and at the same time to provide political decision makers with our analyzes on economic and social phenomena".


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