Third meeting at the ministry for the technical table on the Portovesme dispute, and it's still nothing.

The unions express all their dissatisfaction and ask the company to do its part. Participants were Fausto Durante of Cgil Sardinia, Emanuele Madeddu of Filctem South Western Sardinia, Antonello Saba of Cisl Sulcis Iglesiente, Vincenzo Lai of Femca Cisl South Sardinia, Federico Matta of Uil Sulcis Iglesiente and Pierluigi Loi of Uiltec Uil.

«The hypotheses on the restart of the zinc line appear hazy despite the possibility of measures to reach a sustainable price, the same uncertainty regarding the San Gavino plant, for which the company has only spoken in a very general way about new hypotheses of perspective», they say the trade unionists.

Glencore illustrated the progress of possible conversion programs, without making any progress since the meetings of 17 and 31 May.

The technical roundtable will end with the last meeting scheduled for July 4th: "The company must do its part to the end", the trade unionists ask.


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