Unanimous go- ahead in the Regional Council on the agenda that commits the President of the Region, Christian Solinas , to summon the General States of Sardinia for the elaboration of a complementary plan to the PNRR for the island. That is, a compensatory plan for the lack of equalization and for the exclusion of the Region from the distribution of an important share of the resources of the NRP and the NCP.

The States General (all the political, economic, social and trade union forces of the island) will have the task of identifying the actions and strategies to be adopted , analyzing the state of implementation of the interventions financed by the local autonomy system and promptly intervening in support of Municipalities to avoid a failure to make full use of the allocated resources. Furthermore, to identify the infrastructural and development delays in Sardinia and to evaluate the distribution of the corresponding resources of the NRP and the PNC that do not take into account the particular disadvantage conditions of Sardinia and the priority criteria for the specificity of the islands.

The agenda bears the signature of Franco Mula (Psd'Az), Pierluigi Saiu (Lega) and Cesare Moriconi (Pd), and incorporates the motion illustrated two months ago by Moriconi himself.

(Unioneonline / vl)

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