The stalemate in which the administrative machine of the Region has plunged is worsening, following the resignation of the secretary general. Yesterday the Giunta met and was unable to indicate a series of managing directors precisely because the summit which has the function of finalizing the appointments of all managers is vacant. The picture is becoming worrying because even Brussels has become aware of these difficulties, as reported by L'Unione Sarda ( today on newsstands and on the app ).

In particular, the European Commission has written to the Councilor for Programming Giuseppe Fasolino to point out that the services have noted major delays in fulfilling Sardinia's obligations linked to the 2021-2027 Fesr regional programme: the Region has not convened the Surveillance Committee which by law "must be established three months after the approval of the programme". A green light that dates back to October 26, 2022, and "this deadline has been exceeded for five months now". Failure to establish the Committee can have serious effects, in particular, on the implementation of the national Just Transition Fund program in the Sulcis Iglesiente area.

The Sardinian Democratic Party intervenes on the paralysis: "The news arriving from Brussels exceeds any gloomy forecast: even the European Commission has formally recalled the Giunta Solinas, blaming the serious delays linked to the ERDF 2021-2027 regional program", attacks the regional secretary Piero Comandini, who with the head of European Policies Francesco Lilliu and the head of Programming, Daniele Reginali adds: «It is a dramatic situation: the failure to convene the Supervisory Committee, a legal burden on the Region, risks having very serious repercussions on fundamental programs for territories such as Sulcis Iglesiente, which cannot see any chance of development wasted».

The situation «is due to the fact that, after many months, the Giunta has not yet appointed the director general of the Regional Programming Centre, who is also the managing authority of the ERDF regional program and precisely the president of the Monitoring Committee to be set up. It is therefore clear that the delays of this Regional Council risk destroying important measures for the development of Sardinia. Now the European Commission is also saying it: until when will the Sardinians be forced to put up with all this?».


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