How much meat can you eat per week?

Answers Dr. Pietro Senette, nutritionist and researcher.

«The debate on the amount of meat to consume per week is still very open. On the one hand some scientific studies, not always clear and democratic towards the different types of meat, on the other hand the ecological trend leads in one direction: the reduction of the consumption of this food and its progressive replacement with substitutes which are not always up to it.

To unravel the knot of the skein we need to start from a fact: the quantity is not the same for everyone but strictly depends on the daily food choices we make and the average global lifestyle led by a person.

In summary, those who have access to meat from animals bred according to nature also consume lots of fruit and vegetables and carry out adequate daily physical activity can reach an almost daily consumption; for all the others it is better not to go beyond 3 times a week. The key always lies in the choices we make and in the evolution of our eating habits over time: we must learn to choose primarily the quality of what we eat and instead relate the quantity to our global diet by making choices aimed at a style of healthiest life possible.

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