The curtain falls on the literary festival " Beyond the Borders " organized by the Pula Cultura Diffuso foundation: the first edition, which ended yesterday evening, went well beyond expectations.

On the final evening of the event which showcased Sardinian writers, masterfully presented by Dario Vergassola , the book that links visual disorders and autism, written by Roberto Pili , president of Ierfop, Bachisio Zolo, was also presented. director of the same institution, Donatella Petretto, professor of the department of Pedagogy, Psychology and Philosophy of the University of Cagliari and Pericle Farris, vice president of Apri.

Vergassola has the task of presenting the latest roundup of authors (Cristina Caboni, Stefano Arrica and Giovanni Gusai) who, in the two days hosted by the Maria Carta Theatre, enchanted the public.

The book created by Pili, Zolo, Petretto and Farris - which can be downloaded for free from the internet - was written to offer professionals , but also families, valid support in identifying the coexistence of multiple disorders in young children .

«When it comes to the correlation between vision disorders and autism, diagnostics is fundamental – explain the authors – an early assessment helps to adequately address the problem and follow the most appropriate path for children».

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