New protest by Sardinian hauliers, sit in front of the port of Cagliari , Customs entrance. It started this morning, organized by the gathered Sardinian hauliers.

It is still unclear whether this is an indefinite protest, the duration will be decided in the next few hours. The regions are already known, exposed in a letter sent to the prefect of Cagliari.

The request for a ceiling on the price of diesel, 1.60 euros per liter , and the establishment of "professional diesel". Two moves that according to the truck drivers would protect the category "also from bureaucratic delays and the impossibility of obtaining the concessions provided by law in a reasonable time".


"We have invested in less polluting means such as euro 5 and euro 6 which are still inexplicably excluded from the effective use of the tax credit of euro 0.28 per liter".


The road hauliers also ask for the establishment of minimum safety costs which establish by law a mandatory limit below which the customer of the transport is not allowed to remunerate the service.

The third point concerns the cost of the maritime route that Sardinian companies have to bear.

"The maritime carriers - explain the promoters of the protest - following the increase in fuel costs have immediately raised the price of the route and currently Sardinian companies have to pay the shipping companies, for example for the Olbia-Livorno route, about 1,600 euros to embark 18.75 meters including road tractor and semi-trailer and the cost of the cabs against the price of 2021 which was around 900 euros ".

(Unioneonline / L)

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