Nino Frassica, according to the Corriere dell'Umbria, would be investigated by the Spoleto prosecutor's office after the controversy following the disappearance of Hiro , the family cat who disappeared at the beginning of September in the Umbrian city where the actor was filming the television series Rai "Don Matteo" , staying with his wife Barbara Exignotis in a house in the center.

The possible crimes (in a new file opened after the existing one, following the complaint from another family of neighbours, which only concerns Barbara Exignotis and her daughter) are aggravated defamation, stalking and incitement to commit crimes. Spoleto's acting prosecutor Vincenzo Ferrigno responded to Ansa: «I cannot confirm or deny. There are investigations underway."

After the disappearance of Hiro, a long-haired white Burmese, Frassica and his family had promised a reward of 5 thousand euros to whoever found him and many had come to the city to look for him. Social media had also mobilized and a controversy arose with two families accused in various ways of being involved in the disappearance of the animal. Frassica would have been investigated - the newspaper continues - following the complaint of a couple brought up via Instagram by the actor.

"My clients are very worried, especially after the video in which Exignotis (Frassica's wife - ed.) mentioned the name of the lady from Piazza Campello", the lawyer Fabrizio Gentili, who represents both women , told ANSA. families believed to be involved in the cat's disappearance .


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