Also the Minister of University and Research, Anna Maria Bernini, at the inauguration of the academic year of Sardinian universities.

Bernini will be in Cagliari on Monday 20 March and the following day, Tuesday 21, in Sassari.

In Cagliari, where the 402nd year of lessons will start, the appointment is in the great hall of Engineering and Architecture, in via Marengo, starting at 11.

In addition to the report by the rector Francesco Mola and the intervention of the minister, there will be a prolusion by Pietro Ciarlo, professor emeritus of constitutional law on "Current issues and implementation of the Constitution", and by Cosimo Ceccuti, president of the Spadolini Foundation New Anthology who will address the theme of "The Constitution as a garrison of freedom".

Then there will be performances by the choir of the Conservatory of Cagliari GP da Palestrina and the choir of the "Cruc-Muse" University.

In Sassari, where the 461st academic year begins, the ceremony will begin at 11 in the great hall of the headquarters, and will be broadcast live on the University website. After the greetings of the rector, Gavino Mariotti, and the president of the Sardinia Region, Christian Solinas, speeches will be made by minister Bernini, the student representative, Paolo Delogu and the head of the salary and tax compliance office, Franco Filigheddu. This will be followed by the lectio magistralis by the director of the Banco di Sardegna, Giuseppe Cuccurese, dedicated to "The credit market at the service of the territory and analysis of the reference context".

The ceremony will be embellished by the performances of the Tenores di Bitti and the choir of the University of Sassari, directed by maestro Fabio Fresi. The Turritan Goliardic Association will also participate.


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