Today begins a weekend of culture and sport that offers an embarrassment of choice in Carbonia. Tonight for the Night of the Museums, the Coal museum in the Great Mine of Serbariu organizes an extraordinary opening at 21 with "Tempi di miniera", a theatrical visit to the Lampisteria by the ARCI Il Calderone company.

Through small episodes of life and work, women and men tell a cross-section of an era on which Carbonia is founded. Then at night visit the underground with only the lights of the spotlights of the miner's helmets. But from today Carbonia is also a city of sport with artistic gymnastics and motorcycling.

Today from 3 pm (and then Sunday from 10 am) at the Palazzetto in via delle Cernitrici individual regional championship Silver LA-LA3-LB-LB3: it will see hundreds of athletes from numerous Sardinian clubs perform in the 4 female artistic tools i.e. vaulting, uneven bars, beam and free body. The event is organized by Aurora Carbonia with the Italian Gymnastics Federation - Sardinian Regional Committee and the Municipality.

Finally, tomorrow at 10 motorcycling: in the track of the rural area of via del Minatore, the fourth round of the Sardinian Enduro-Minienduro-Vintage Championship, organized by the Moto Club.

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