Government away in Cutro (Crotone) , scene of the tragic shipwreck of the boat loaded with migrants in which 72 people lost their lives .

To close with the controversy over the words of Interior Minister Matteo Piantedosi and give a "concrete" signal that for the executive it is a priority, a "moral" duty, to avoid other sea tragedies such as that of 26 February, in In recent days, Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni has ordered that the Council of Ministers scheduled for today take place in the town hall of the Calabrian country. A "symbolic" gesture to pay homage to the victims of the shipwreck.

FLOW DECREEThe flow decree is on the agenda. According to the draft that will be submitted to the ministers today, the decree will become triennial (2023-2025) and preferential quotas will be assigned to workers from countries which, «also in collaboration with the Italian state, promote media campaigns for their citizens on the risks to the personal safety deriving from the inclusion in irregular migratory traffic". The text also provides for more severe penalties for traffickers if they cause the death of more than one person, with imprisonment of up to 30 years: "anyone who promotes, directs, organizes, finances or carries out the transport of foreigners within the territory of the State when the transport or entry are carried out in such a way as to expose people to danger for their life or for their safety or subjecting them to inhuman or degrading treatment, is punished with imprisonment from twenty to thirty years if it derives from the fact, as an unintended consequence , the death of more people. The same penalty is applied if the fact results in the death of one or more people and serious or very serious injuries to one or more people. If the fact results in the death of only one person, the penalty of imprisonment from fifteen to twenty-four years is applied. If serious or very serious injuries are caused to one or more people, the penalty of imprisonment from ten to twenty years is applied".

"We fired a law decree addressing this matter and we did so to reaffirm that we are determined to defeat human trafficking responsible for this tragedy, our response to what has happened is a policy of greater firmness," said the premier. «The main provision of the decree just approved concerns crimes related to human trafficking and provides for an increase in penalties for the smuggling of migrants. A new type of crime has been introduced for those who cause death or serious injury through the trafficking of persons which provides for a sentence of up to 30 years' imprisonment ». "I believe that another way to fight human traffickers - he added - is to send the message that it is not worthwhile to enter Italy illegally, pay the smugglers and risk dying".

WRITINGS AGAINST PIANTEDOSI – This morning, writing appeared on a wall along the road that connects state road 106 to Cutro against the owner of the Interior Ministry: "Cutro does not defend Piantedosi" is the phrase by unknown persons, who probably acted at dawn.

THE PLATE - Before the start of the work of the Council of Ministers, the Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni in the Municipality of Cutro unveiled a plaque in memory of the victims of the shipwreck.


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