The Doria Castle and some churches of Alghero and Sassari, not as a simple stage for classical music concerts, but as jewels of art to be known.

Each of the six concerts of the “Melos” festival will in fact be preceded by the contribution of the art historian Alessandro Ponzeletti who will illustrate the beauty and history of the places.

Now in its eighth edition, the music festival is curated by Saser - Centro Studi Cultura Sarda and its artistic director, Roberto Piana, pianist and composer whose works have been published by prestigious record labels such as Stenway & Sons and Brilliant Classic.

It starts on July 1st in room XI of the Doria Castle (Castelsardo) with the piano duo formed by Olesya Romanko and Roberto Piana. The program includes Paderewski's Polish dances, the Tarantella revised by the Russian Gavrilin, Friedman's waltzes and the Moresca reread by Lao Silesu, a Sardinian composer to whom Piana has dedicated research and insights.

On 2 July the festival moves to the Nostra Signora della Mercede church (Alghero) . The concert is titled “Canciones populares españolas by Federico García Lorca” and features singer Denise Gueye and guitarist Marco Carta. Same location for the 14 August appointment with the Duo Mundi made up of the Mexican soprano Jessica Loaiza and the Sardinian pianist Francesco Saba. They will perform some pieces of the great composers of the '600 and' 700: Mozart, Francesco Cavalli, Vivaldi and Haendel .

On 25 July we stay in Alghero but in the Church of San Francesco , where the Nuorese guitarist Cristiano Porqueddu proposes the compositions written for him by the Cuban Leo Brouwer, the Italian Roberto Piana, the Russian Evgeny Baev, the Italian-Swiss Kevin Swierkosz-Lenart.

The piano duo formed by Olesya Romanko and Roberto Piana repeats the evening of Castelsardo on 6 August in the Cloister of San Francesco (Alghero) .

Certain place (the church of the Sacred Heart of Sassari) but date to be defined (in September) for the concert that will close the festival: the splendid organ of the Sassari church will be played by Maestro Ugo Spanu.

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