Giorgia Meloni, received the task of forming the government, has already presented the list of ministers to the Head of State Sergio Mattarella. The government led by the leader FdI, the first female Prime Minister in Italian history, is ready. On Saturday 22 October at 10 am the oath at the Quirinale.

Executive born with gaffe, the Prime Minister has reversed two names in the reading of the ministers, "due to a transcription error", it is specified. The error concerned Senator Gilberto Pichetto Fratin, indicated at the Quirinale as Minister of the Public Administration, and Paolo Zangrillo who had been indicated as Minister of the Environment. After an abundant hour, the press office of the prime minister in charge specified in a note: it is the opposite, Pichetto Fratin goes to the Environment, Zangrillo to the PA.

This is the list of ministers.

Alfredo Mantovano , undersecretary to the Prime Minister

Antonio Tajani , Foreign and Deputy Prime Minister

Matteo Salvini , Infrastructure and Deputy Prime Minister

Marina Elvira Calderone , Work and Social Policies

Matteo Piantedosi , Interior

Carlo Nordio , Justice

Guido Crosetto , Defense

Giancarlo Giorgetti , Economics and Finance

Adolfo Urso , Economic Development (Businesses and Made in Italy)

Francesco Lollobrigida , Agriculture and Food Sovereignty

Gilberto Picchetto Fratin , Environment and Energy Safety

Orazio Schillaci , Greetings

Giuseppe Valditara , Education and Merit

Anna Maria Bernini , University and Research

Gennaro Sangiuliano , Culture

Daniela Santanchè , Tourism


Luca Ciriani , Relations with the Parliament

Paolo Zangrillo , Public Administration

Roberto Calderoli , Regional Affairs and Autonomies

Nello Musumeci , Policies of the Sea and for the South

Raffaele Fitto , European Affairs, Cohesion Policies and PNRR

Andrea Abodi , Sport and Youth

Eugenia Roccella , Family, Birth Rate and Equal Opportunities

Alessandra Locatelli , Disability

Maria Elisabetta Casellati , Institutional Reforms


MATTARELLA - After reading the list, Giorgia Meloni left the Quirinale and went to the press room for a brief statement by Sergio Mattarella.

" This time the government was done in a shorter time, it was necessary and there was a clear majority ", he said, before thanking Mario Draghi, who "met the country's need for leadership, concluding his business with the European Council ”, and to wish“ with a spirit of collaboration good work for the new government which tomorrow morning will begin to carry out its duties ”.

(Unioneonline / L)

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