Giorgia Meloni in the Chamber, to answer the questions of the deputies. The occasion, especially for the opposition forces, to press the number one of Palazzo Chigi on the work, the choices and future decisions of the government.

MIGRANTS - The session began with a speech by Riccardo Magi , secretary of +Europa, who "questioned" the premier about the rescue of migrant boats and the tragic shipwrecks of recent weeks. "As long as there are departures on boats in poor condition and with bad weather conditions, there will be loss of life," Meloni replied. Adding: «We need to invest in legal routes, and this is exactly the job the government is doing. Our conscience is clear, I hope that those who attack the government but don't say a word about smugglers can say the same". Question on migrants also for Noi Moderati, to which Meloni replied, emphasizing the need to "counter illegal immigration by involving the EU" and giving "support to the states of North Africa, Tunisia in the lead".

ENVIRONMENT - Meloni then answered a question from Angelo Bonelli (Alleanza Verdi Sinistra) on the government's policies on ecology. "We are not dangerous climate deniers, but we need a pragmatic approach", said Meloni, underlining, among other things, how the "green houses directive risks damaging Italy".

MES – Luigi Marattin (Italia Viva) instead asked for an account of the ratification of the MES, which Italy – among the few EU countries – has not yet completed. In response Meloni quoted the president of Confindustria Bonomi, "historically a supporter of the Mes, who says that if we believe that the new Mes regulation is not in the interest of the country and is not adequate for the challenges, it should be time to discuss how to use it as a European industrial policy tool. The theme - added the premier - is that Europe will be able to face its challenges if it manages to create a system and project itself towards a common development policy, and Confindustria's proposal is being seriously taken into consideration by the government».

CLASH ON THE MINIMUM WAGE – Among the most awaited moments of the question time, the question of Elly Schlein , new secretary of the Democratic Party, who pressed Meloni on the minimum wage.

«There is a drama that we never hear you talk about, namely the precariousness of work, especially that which affects women and young people in the South. For this reason it is necessary to establish a minimum wage threshold, which you, however, President Meloni, have defined "a bait and switch". So what are you going to do?” Schlein asked Meloni.

"Whoever has governed up to now has made Italian workers poorer - pointed Meloni in his speech - and now it's up to this government to fix it". "Increasing wages by guaranteeing adequate remuneration - added the Prime Minister - is one of the government's priorities, but the minimum wage is not the solution , because it risks becoming a substitute and sole parameter for remuneration, which would have downward effects precisely on wages".

In short, for Meloni the solution to precariousness would not be the minimum wage, but interventions for the reduction of taxes, in particular those that weigh on companies.

The Pd secretary replied to the premier's speech: «You are incapable and approximate. And you are obsessed with immigration, but you do nothing about emigration, that of young Italians forced to look for work elsewhere".


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