First he said that he voluntarily got infected to get the Green pass, and he also took part in a demonstration in Milan, then he reversed. Marco Melandri had revealed: “I caught the virus because I tried to catch it and unlike many vaccinated I made a tremendous effort. I did it on purpose to be able to be in good standing for at least a few months. I had to get infected by necessity having to work and not considering the vaccine as a valid alternative ". His statements were retracted shortly after, while Undersecretary Carlo Sibilia had already announced checks by the police.

"For an ironic joke, a storm came out ... - explained the former pilot on Instagram - I'm sorry but I did not contract it voluntarily and I have not been in contact with a positive." The fact remains that for some time now on social networks argues against the vaccine by speaking of a "dictatorship we are undergoing".

(Unioneonline / ss)

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