«The real hard moment in our history was a holiday in Sardinia».

Mara Venier, in an interview with Corriere, reveals an unpublished background of her love story with Nicola Carraro, publisher (it is   nephew of Angelo Rizzoli) and film producer.

«A bad summer, constant quarrels – says the Venetian presenter, ready for a new edition of her now Domenica In -. When we returned, I said: “Here we split up. We are too different." But after three days a friend of his called me to tell me that Nicola was ill, I ran to him and we forgot everything ».

«The truth is that when I am having a lot of fun, he is not having fun – she adds – I like going to parties with a lot of noise, having fun even with unlikely people, being late. He doesn't like these things and becomes very snobbish.'

Venier and Carraro have been together for 23 years and have been married for 17.

Venier is the mother of the presenter Elisabetta Ferracini, had by the actor and her ex-husband Francesco Ferracini. Paolo was born from love with the actor Pier Paolo Capponi. In 1984 she married Jerry Calà, from whom she separated in 1985. Then she had a long relationship with Renzo Arbore, until 1997, and a shorter one with the Italian-American actor Armand Assante.

As for Carraro, he has three children: Ginevra, Giada and Gian Gerolamo, nicknamed Gerò and long-time companion of Simona Ventura.


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