There is no good news from the Anthropocene Chronicles, it was that scholars now consider as a sign of man's footprint on earthly changes. Invasion of alien plants in places where there shouldn't be and reduction of biodiversity, including for example the number of amphibians and reptiles in Sardinia: to outline this gloomy picture, in which the hope of a change of course is linked to respect for laws and common sense, was the conference that the Paleontological Museum organized as part of the Earth Week, bringing world-famous naturalists and photographers such as Jean Lou Dorne, Matteo Di Nicola and Michela Marignani to Carbonia.

Nutrie, water hyacinths, tiger mosquitoes, Louisiana red shrimp, gray squirrel are some of the invasive alien species introduced carelessly in Sardinia: "Heavy economic consequences to repair the damage - explained Marignani - changes in the pre-existing ecosystem, human health in danger are the effects of the reckless introduction of invasive species ".

As evidenced by the photos (pure poetry) of Dorne, man has contributed to reducing biodiversity with huge doses of pollution . If Belgium and Holland almost had to say goodbye to the Salamandra, in Sardinia 12 species of amphibians and 19 of reptiles can hardly resist, as specified by Di Nicola. Among which the Sulcis Geotritone defends itself, also located near Barbusi, on the outskirts of Carbonia. "Scrupulous observance of the laws and sanctions - the expert naturalists of the Anthropocene era agree - are the basis for putting a stop to this drift".

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