Maddalena Corvaglia talks about herself in an all-out interview in today's episode of Verissimo and also talks about the break with Elisabetta Canalis.

Colleagues, still today they are the most famous showgirls of Striscia la Notizia, and great friends. A very close relationship, so much so that they had also started a professional project together, a gym to manage together in Miami, the city where they lived.

Then something broke, Corvaglia did not reveal the exact reason to Silvia Toffanin: «It was a beautiful friendship, which is over. Of course I still love her and I'm happy when she is too."

But on the possibility of a reconciliation, the former tissue is tranchant: «Recover? When trust is broken, it's difficult."

Corvaglia also spoke of the separation from Steff Burns, guitarist of Vasco Rossi's band, which took place in 2017: «The end of a marriage is a defeat, but when there are insurmountable walls you have to take note of it. At Christmas we all got together, being parents of a little girl even if we are not a couple we remain a family ».

And today? "I'm not engaged, even if in recent years someone has made my heart beat." Will it be Paolo Berlusconi, Silvio's brother with whom she has been immortalized several times? Mystery...


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