Total clash between Giorgia Meloni and Enrico Letta , the leaders of the main camps facing each other in the elections on 25 September.

After the interview with CNN in which the Pd secretary warned about the risks of a possible victory of the right, Meloni replied accusing him of " discrediting the nation to defend its own advantage".

But Letta does not fit in and cites three points of the Fdi program: “The obligation of surety for foreigners, the naval blockade outside our borders and the renegotiation of the PNRR. These are three follies for those who look at us from the outside ”.

"I am a patriot, you discredit the country", Meloni's rejoinder.

Clash also on the immigration issue . “The main problem of migratory flows in Italy are young people who leave, this is the real emergency and I say this to those who talk nonsense about naval blockades”, says Letta. "You must enter Italy only legally, we do not let criminals, smugglers or those who want to destabilize our nation and Europe manage the flows", replies Meloni, relaunching the naval blockade.

Carlo Calenda does not escape from the competition, the frictions between Letta and Meloni for the leader of Action are " chicken-coop quarrels ".

(Unioneonline / L)

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