Can science be learned using (also) social networks and in particular TikTok ? And if so, could it become one of the educational models of the future? These are the questions at the center of the "two days" of meetings and workshops, entitled, precisely, "Science on TikTok".

An appointment between in-depth analysis and training organized by 10LAB, the scientific dissemination center of Sardegna Ricerche, scheduled for 17 and 18 November in Cagliari, in the Manifattura and Unione Sarda offices.

Students and not only will be able to meet some of the best-known scientific influencers nationwide on social networks and in particular on TikTok. Among others also Vincenzo Schettini , professor and author of the channel "The physics we like", which collects millions of followers and views on social networks. Together with him Marco Martinelli , a very young researcher at the Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna in Pisa and scientific communicator who hooks up 313,000 followers on TikTok with his videos. And then Greta Galli , the nineteen-year-old Stem (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) influencer who has always been passionate about information technology and robotics, who created a robot hand with Lego bricks and in 2020, during the first lockdown, began to tell the story of his passion on social media.

Among the guests also Alessandro Gnucci , science popularizer, writer, creator and host of science shows and finally Marco Andrea Teti , the twenty-six-year-old future geologist, Sardinian science popularizer who ranges from astrophysics to geology on social media.

The main protagonists of the event are schools, with meetings and in-depth workshops on the subject (in the afternoon, starting at 3 pm) aimed at creating perfect videos on TikTok that start from a correct search for content.

On the afternoon of November 18, at 3 pm , the tiktokers will move to the Unione Sarda headquarters for the final moment , open to the public and also streaming on . Here guests will discuss the educational potential of social networks, their risks and possible meeting grounds with the world of education.

"Sardegna Ricerche is always very careful to communicate in an effective and captivating way with young people, the innovators of the future, always looking for new ways to capture their attention for science", explains Maria Assunta Serra , general manager of Sardegna Ricerche». "This event aims to demonstrate how digital tools and social networks, combined with the right skills, can be a creative and original method to talk about science, research and technology in an attractive way ", the conclusion.


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