Fleximan continues to impress, and has even started to inspire some imitators .

In Veneto we have now lost count of the number of speed cameras destroyed with the flex by the mysterious avenger who at night destroys the devices "guilty" of bleeding undisciplined motorists with fines for speeding .

Two nights ago, along the provincial road 46 of Piovego, in the Paduan municipality of Villa del Conte, he sawed the pole that supported a device that had been in place for a couple of years now. And he also attached a flyer with adhesive tape to claim: "Fleximan is coming", written in block letters .

The manhunt has started in Veneto, even if Fleximan for some citizens and even for some political forces is a sort of masked hero who avenges motorists who are victims of the evil machines which only serve to replenish the coffers of local authorities .

This is not the case, explains Sarah Gaiani, president of the Camposampierese federation which had promoted the installation of the last speed camera demolished : «We are talking about a road with a high accident rate - she recalled - unfortunately it also witnessed numerous injuries, on which he was prosecuted as objective is the safety of our fellow citizens."

Four prosecutors are working to frame Fleximan: Belluno, Padua, Rovigo and Treviso , whose prosecutor Marco Martani underlined that any expressions of support for his deeds could constitute the accusation of condoning a crime.

The police are trying to frame him with technology. They acquired the images of the surveillance cameras of the areas where the acts of vandalism took place and those of the "targa systems" that monitor the towns. « We are developing them and little by little we are cross-referencing the data obtained, a painstaking work that I hope will soon lead to concrete results », explained Colonel Michele Cucuglielli, provincial commander of the Carabinieri of Padua, to Corriere.

To demonstrate how Fleximan's exploits are seen as those of a cinematic hero, a drawing dedicated to him also appeared in Padua, created by the Paduan writer "Evyrein" . This is a cinematic quote: we see Beatriz, the bride protagonist of "Kill Bill" played by Uma Thurman, drawing her sword while holding a sheared speed camera in her other hand .

Omaggio a Fleximan sui muri di Padova (Ansa)

Even in Piedmont someone tried to repeat Fleximan's exploits, but was immediately caught. This is a fifty-year-old reported for having eradicated two speed cameras along the Statale 337 of Val Vigezzo . The man was framed by the police via video surveillance cameras, which immortalized him at the very moment he destroyed and threw the speed detectors to the ground.

And a banner also appeared in the Varese area, along a provincial road near a speed camera: “Fleximan is coming. Varesotti on your head" .


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