The secretary of the Democratic Party Enrico Letta challenged by some demonstrators at the April 25 march in Milan.

"Read servant of NATO", "Out of the Democratic Party from the procession", "Hypocrites" and "Out of Italy by NATO" are the slogans shouted by about 200 demonstrators from the antagonist galaxy. A protest contained by the police and agents that prevented the tension from exploding.

"I had never seen a NATO flag in a parade before today. It seems to me a controversy built on nothing," replied the former premier. "This is democracy. I respect what they say but we are convinced that we are doing the right things. This is our home, our idea of a Constitution in an April 25 characterized by the dramatic situation that is taking place in Ukraine", he added.

Protests also in Milan, between Porta Venezia and via San Damiano, were addressed to the Jewish Brigade and to some associations with pro-Nato flags. Also in this case, the carabinieri, the police and the order service intervened keeping the protesters separate from the rest of the demonstrators.

Manifestanti a Milano (Ansa - Corner)

Overall, the demonstration was attended by "70 thousand people", said the president of the Milanese Anpi Roberto Cenati: "I am very happy and if I can I want to give my solidarity to the Democratic Party and to Enrico Letta for the unacceptable complaints".

(Unioneonline / D)

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