There are 30-32 billion available , largely intended for measures against expensive energy.

Returning from the G20 in Bali, Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni and Economy Minister Giancarlo Giorgetti immediately immersed themselves in the definition of the first maneuver of the new executive , which lands today in the Council of Ministers and should get the green light on Monday before moving on to Parliament for what will be a real race against time.

A delicate passage, neither the resources nor the time available abound.

The possibility is being assessed of re-proposing a shield for self-reporting and the return from abroad of capital hidden from the tax authorities , a measure similar to that launched by the Renzi government. In 2015 it led to the recovery of about 2.5 billion, the effect estimated by the government is between 3 and 5 billion which would strengthen the amount of the maneuver. Faced with the outcry of the opposition, the Mef clarified that " no amnesty of a criminal nature will find a place ".

In the meetings of the last few hours it has emerged that it will be a maneuver of 30-32 billion, 21 of which intended for aid to families and businesses to face the expensive energy .

The increase to 5,000 euros of the cash limit will also be included in the budget law, a measure initially envisaged and then canceled by the aid decree quater following an objection from the Quirinale due to the lack of the emergency requirements typical of the decree.

The ceiling on the flat-rate scheme for the self-employed will be increased, from 65,000 to 85,000 euros . More advantageous rates on production bonuses and a 2-point cut in the tax wedge are being studied for employees.

Pensions chapter, a return to Fornero will be avoided: the aim is for a quota of 102 or 103, or 41 years of contributions and 61 or 62 of age .

Some resources will be insured by the tightening of basic income (three years in all, with the entire check insured for only 18 months, this is currently the hypothesis), while an increase in taxes on tobacco and online gaming is also being studied.

Other fixed points: the tax truce on bills between one thousand and 3 thousand euros , the reactivation of the Strait of Messina spa , in liquidation for nine years, the first step for the construction of the bridge. The rule on the taxation of extra profits will also be reviewed, with a rate yet to be defined which could be 33%.


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