Is ice cream bad for you?

Ice cream can be considered a venial, occasional, fast and pleasant sweet sin. On a nutritional level, it is correct to state it immediately, its value depends on the nutritional quality of the ingredients used. Eating a homemade ice cream is something else than an industrial one. The latter are generally richer in sugars and hydrogenated fats, artificial flavors and colors that should mostly be avoided.

On the contrary, homemade ice cream also made from milk and fresh eggs can become a real fast lunch on hot and sunny spring and summer days. If you are on a diet, it is better to choose fruit ice cream rather than cream, but in general 2-3 scoops and a cone or 2-3 waffles is an average portion that is good for everyone.

Ice cream is also a very versatile meal, it can in fact be a palatable food even in the case of intolerances. Those who have problems with lactose, milk proteins or even gluten can choose an ice cream prepared with vegetable, soy, rice, oat or almond milk.

However, we must never forget that ice cream as a "hedonistic" food, that is, capable of giving great pleasure to the palate, like all foods belonging to the category, must be carefully portioned to avoid easy overeating!

Doctor Pietro Senette – Nutritionist

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