Accident at the end of the match for Novak Djokovic. At the end of the match he won against Moutet, the Serbian was signing autographs for some fans when he was hit by a water bottle.

The bottle, according to an initial reconstruction, fell involuntarily, spilling out of the backpack of a person who had leaned over to receive the champion's autograph.

The tennis player collapsed to the ground , prompting the intervention of security who escorted him out of the stadium and took him to the medical center for treatment.

The world number one suffered a head injury and lost some blood. «Novak Djokovic, upon leaving the Central Court at the end of his match, was hit on the head with a water bottle while he was signing autographs for the spectators – the Management of the Italian Internationals announced – He was subjected to the necessary medications, he has already left the Foro Italico to return to the hotel, his condition does not cause concern."


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