Definitely a success but still "a starting point". This is the focus of the speech by Michele Cossa, president of the Special Commission for Insularity in the Regional Council, who this morning took stock of the work carried out with the inclusion of the Constitution principle.

«The disadvantaged condition of island regions must become a national issue. Only in this way will Sardinia be able to obtain what it deserves. After the entry into force of the constitutional amendment, the signals from the Government were very modest: just 5 million euros for territorial continuity allocated with the Stability Law – said Cossa -. The State must understand that as long as Sardinia has the ball and chain of insularity, the development gap with other regions is destined to widen." The cost of isolation has been estimated at around 9 billion euros a year, a burden worth a third of our GDP. «The problem is not only transport and territorial continuity for passengers and goods, on the table there is also the most important part of article 119 of the Constitution which contains the legitimation of the cohesion policies to which the EU intends a third of its budget. This is why joint action by the Region, Government and the European Union is urgent."

An action to be implemented in three phases: analysis of the critical issues by the region with the presentation of proposals to the State and the EU: continuous comparison by the State with Europe which allows significant resources to be allocated for infrastructure and the right to mobility; a different policy on the part of the EU towards disadvantaged regions. On this last point Cossa was categorical: «We must overcome the concept of state aid – the president of the Commission remarked – the constraints of the Union. as in the case of transport, they represent an obstacle to competitiveness. The same rules that apply to Bavaria or the Po Valley cannot be applied to Sardinia. State aid must no longer be seen as subsidies but as compensation."

Finally, speaking of the next regional elections: «I hope that on the issue of insularity there will be absolute convergence on the part of the political forces. If indifference prevails, no problem can be solved."

Several local administrators and representatives of trade organizations spoke at this morning's meeting.

For Pietro Tandeddu (Copagri) what is needed «is close supervision by the Bicameral Commission on the destination of the resources of the Pnrr, Cohesion Fund and Infrastructure Fund» as well as «prodding action towards the Ministries and large companies of State".

For Anna Maria Sechi (Cia), one of the issues holding back development is represented by territorial continuity for the transport of goods: «In this sector – she said – we are penalized on all fronts».

Rodolfo Cancedda (Asel) suggested a collaboration pact between the different institutional levels of the Sardinia and Sicily Regions to give greater strength to action towards the State and the EU: «We, as Asel, have already started a discussion with our Sicilian counterparts".

The mayor of Sedilo, Salvatore Pes , underlined the need to also focus attention on the condition of "internal insularity" of the towns in Central Sardinia which are experiencing the drama of depopulation: «There is a need for a change of pace – he said Pes – I hope that this theme will be at the center of the next electoral campaign for the regional elections. Central Sardinia has a third world transport system. Politics must stop squandering resources. Investments are needed for infrastructure, for the mitigation of hydrogeological risk and for the enhancement of the environment."

Lega deputy Dario Giagoni , connected via video conference, assured his commitment within the Bicameral Commission to keep attention on the topic high: «To do this, however, everyone's commitment is needed. Sardinia's problem is not only aerial territorial continuity. To overcome the development delay, significant investments are needed."


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