In southern Italy, the only areas completely "immune" from the presence of the mafia are the provinces of Oristano, Olbia-Tempio and Sassari, together with those of Matera, Chieti, Campobasso.

In our country , the mafia phenomenon produces a turnover of 40 billion euros a year, something like 2 percent of GDP . A turnover comparable to that of Gse (energy services operator) or Eni and Enel.

This was stated by the Cgia, the Artisans and Small Businesses Association of Mestre, which examined the data from the Bank of Italy and defined the indication given by the European Union as "embarrassing", which, with a legislative provision, has allowed since 2014 all member countries to count certain illegal economic activities such as prostitution, drug trafficking and cigarette smuggling in their GDP.

"Thanks" to this opportunity, in 2020 (latest data available) - say the craftsmen - we "inflated" national wealth by 17.4 billion (almost one point of GDP). An ethically unacceptable decision.

There are various studies at a territorial level that deal with creating maps with the most widespread presence of criminal economic organizations: and not only in the South, on the contrary there are more and more of those in the centre-north. The areas most at risk , according to the Bank of Italy, are Rome, Ravenna, Latina, Genoa and Imperia, as well as a good part of the South. The provinces of Turin, Lodi, Novara, Verbano-Cusio-Ossola, Varese, Milan, Brescia, Savona, La Spezia, Bologna, Prato, Ferrara, Rimini, Pistoia, Florence, Livorno, Arezzo were less affected , but still with serious problems. , Viterbo, Ancona and Macerata.

The provinces of Triveneto, Valle d'Aosta and Umbria are not heavily invested. And at the bottom of the ranking are Oristano, Gallura and Sassarese.

MAFIA SPA - In addition to the 17.4 billion "produced" by illegal activities (drug trafficking, cigarette smuggling and prostitution), the national GDP "absorbs" another 157 billion: 79.7 are "hidden" by the sub-declaration, 62.4 from irregular work and 15.2 from the "other" item (that is, tips, illegal rent, etc.).

The total of 174.4 billion (17.4 plus 157) make up the so-called unobserved economy which is fully counted in the national GDP. And even if it is impossible to quantify, an important part of this stock (157 billion) can be traced back to mafia-type criminal organizations.


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