One billion euros of national funds for health that the Region has available for years but has never spent.

This was supported by the opposition in the Regional Council on the basis of a recent confrontation with the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza. Among the most important items, a part, as many as 467.2 million, is destined for healthcare construction. Another 275 million relate to current expenses for the Covid emergency (prevention, tracking, upgrading of hospitals); about 30 million are for the elimination of waiting lists.

The billion also includes the portion (approximately 70 million) of the 625 million of the National Operational Plan (Pon) for the health of the South dedicated to cancer screening, health poverty, mental health and counseling.

Not included in the billion, on the other hand, are the approximately 270 million of the Pnrr just programmed by the Region for the 50 houses of the Community, 13 Community hospitals, 16 territorial operational centers and over one hundred interventions for technological modernization, and which will be the subject of a deliberates in the meeting of the council scheduled for today at 11.30.

"I believe that the councilor for health, Mario Nieddu, must come immediately to the Chamber to provide the Sardinians with the answers they await - said the group leader of LeU in the Regional Council, Eugenio Lai - on health, people's lives are at stake ".

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