First, the League withdrew the amendment for the third mandate of the mayors, a proposal which had had the government's opinion against it.

Then the Northern League's amendment to the elections decree on the third mandate of the regional governors is rejected.

And the majority splits.

In the Constitutional Affairs Commission, where the provision is being examined, they spoke out against Fratelli d'Italia and Forza Italia supported by Pd, M5s, Avs. Italia Viva voted in support of the League. Action did not participate in the vote. In total there were 4 votes in favour, 16 against, one abstention and one did not participate.

"The proposal was rejected in the commission then it will be discussed in the Chamber of Parliament, which is sovereign and the citizens will know how to choose", commented Salvini, still in Sardinia for Paolo Truzzu's electoral campaign. «In my opinion it is a shame to retire mayors and governors after two mandates, even if they are very good, highly appreciated and highly voted, they should step aside. It's a mistake - he reiterated - because finding a good mayor and a good governor these days is not very easy and if they find him good, the citizens, if they want to re-elect him, have the right to do so. The League's position in this sense is clear."


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