Friday, in Gonnosnò , new appointment with the traveling exhibition “Chistionis” .

From 6pm, in the council room of the former Town Hall, the Gramsciana Library, with the support of the municipal administration, will present the evening "The kidnapping of a child - A true story". The protagonist himself, Luca Locci , will tell the story in a meeting coordinated by Andrea Picchedda and which will include interventions by Marco Atzori.

A sad story. On June 24, 1978, the Locci family spent the day at the beach in Bosa, and then returned to Macomer at sunset. It was at that moment, while his mother Paola had gone up to the house, that little Luca, just seven years old, was taken away by Anonima bandits . They caught him while he was playing with friends in front of his house.

The alarm was immediately raised, but the deserted streets due to the contemporary world challenge between Italy and Brazil favored the escape of the bandits. Luca's father, Franco, Fiat dealer in Macomer and car driver, was in Macerata for a race. It was the second kidnapping of a child in a few months in Sardinia .

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