You can pretend to ignore the circumstance, whatever the reason. But the substance of the reasoning does not seem to be able to change: in short, that of the former sovereign Giorgia Meloni seems to be preparing to be the most left-wing government that the same history of the “bourgeois” and never “popular” left of the last decades can remember. Trying to deny it would be pure, simple and useless exercise in style.

After all, the obstinacy to want to follow the path traced by Mario Draghi is the overwhelming proof of this. We might as well keep the original if the intention was to change everything in order not to change anything.

The problem, for the national Georgia, would seem to be solely that of finding a formula useful to guarantee a painless "camuflage" (so to speak) aimed at representing its ideal of government in an appreciable way to the people of voters who had determined to grant the leader of FdI their electoral favor and that already today they may have begun to regret it. The operation may well take some time, and certainly cannot but collide with the legitimate expectations not only of the eager allies, whose "desired" Giorgia Meloni cannot fail to take into account, but also those of the various subjective components of her own party, anxious to redeem their electoral "prize". The management of the distribution of tasks, therefore, is anything but easy, and the variables multiply from hour to hour, complicating a government representation that could reserve surprises with a rather bitter aftertaste, especially due to the asseveration that Sergio Mattarella will be called to offer once the consultations are concluded.

What, then, could the substance of the mandate that the President of the Republic be able to entrust for the formation of the new government ever be? If everything would seem to lead to the belief that the task will be entrusted to Giorgia Meloni due to the results of the vote of 25 September, however it would not be appropriate, nor realistic, to exclude further possibilities a priori, especially in consideration of the still current ideal inconsistency of the executive program that will have to accompany the government activities in the coming months. What will happen to the coalition electoral program in its various economic and constitutional articulations? Will you stubbornly pursue the path of direct election of the President of the Republic and / or that of implementing the law on fiscal federalism through the recognition of autonomy pursuant to article 116, third paragraph of the Constitution? Would these really be the priorities today? Evidently not. And Giorgia Meloni knows this, and must and will have to do everything possible to prevent the Northern League ally from ruining her government plans that tend to be oriented, in full left-handed radical chic, and therefore bourgeois style, not to disappoint the expectations of the European institutions. and of the major chancelleries related to them that could well perceive the victory of the Italian right as a potential fracture line in terms of establishment cohesion.

The basic problem, however, and to be clear, is that unfortunately the European institutions have very little to fear since even the majority of the population has determined to desert the polls, and the residual one wanted to vote for a so-called watered-down right, the merit should not be attributed to the latter, but should rather be attributed, and conversely, to the responsibilities of a left that seems to have abandoned its electorate of reference to embrace that petty bourgeoisie of wealthy people eager to establish themselves socially. The problem facing Giorgia Meloni's party window is that of defining the new priorities which, far from being those advanced in the election campaign by her allies (she had appropriately kept silent so as not to have to disappoint expectations), they will necessarily have to embrace much of the electoral program of the various left orphans by Mario Draghi and eager to find some crumbs of leadership in the new government team. That's right, because in any case, the constant thought of the leader of the Brothers of Italy seems to have identified itself by organic identification with that of a left oriented towards Europeanism understood in its purest sense, that is, as a delegation of a large part of the decision-making power. to organisms in any way elective and distant for which any good concept of sovereignty seems to have become an obstacle to be overcome.

If today we wanted to understand the substance of the political action of which Giorgia Meloni will have to become pale interpreter, we should remember the words that Mario Draghi wanted to pronounce when he gave his speech to gain confidence in the Senate: "In the areas defined by the weakness of Nation states, they surrender national sovereignty to acquire shared sovereignty ”. This means that the scepter of power is held elsewhere and, therefore, even if our government were to legislate, it will do so only within the limits of European regulations, regardless of any different (and will never be different) will of anyone who is forced to hold the role of President of the Council of Ministers. Giorgia Meloni, like all the others, will not be able to ignore the effects of the so-called “shared sovereignty”, of which, however, with good verisimilitude, she is not even able to be a functional interpreter. Only a sudden radical transformation of the European Union and its functioning mechanisms could save it from the "institutional trap" that the outcome of these polls has reserved for it. If, today, it really wanted to make a difference, leveraging its role in the European complex, it would have to worry not about supporting, but rather about fighting a Europe which, despite having an impressive economic potential, is still afflicted by political and military dwarfism. which is to make it succubus of the American giant, condemning it to follow its guidelines on a geopolitical level. It should fight to finally favor a transformation that starts with the abolition of the debts of the Member States. In this sense, probably, he should resign himself to renouncing the role of "Premier" of this executive formation, to leave room for other interpreters who are more representative of the requests for change. Someone who, even regardless of his political history, would seem to still be able to impress an important influence in Europe.

Perhaps, however, the problem remains precisely that of the lack of leadership and probably Giorgia Meloni will have to resign herself to managing a "hot potato" in her hands that could mark the end of her political experience. Other than toto-ministers. The choice is only the reflection of a story already written where Giorgia's protagonism would seem to be limited at the start, placing itself as a pious illusion of a conditional success for having already been spoiled at the origin by the imprint of the “Dragon”.

Giuseppina Di Salvatore

(Lawyer - Nuoro)

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