He dreams of waking up near Palazzo Chigi but in the last corners of the electoral campaign he has to worry about keeping an increasingly fibrillating center-right compact: "The coalition is unity", reiterates Giorgia Meloni, struggling in these hours with the difference of views on the deviation budget (hypothesized by Salvini) to cope with the super increases in energy prices: "It is not necessary", she reiterates, "it would open the way to speculation". Meanwhile, the president of the Brothers of Italy focuses on Sardinia and the principle of insularity in the Constitution: "A historic reform that will allow the island to have equal opportunities for growth compared to other regions".

If he wins the elections he would immediately have to deal with the rises, starting with the shock of electricity.

«The most effective measure to combat expensive energy is to set a European ceiling on the price of gas, which is rising mainly due to speculation. The higher the price, the more speculators earn ».

In Europe for now it goes in no particular order.

«We must overcome the resistance of Germany and Holland on this front, also on the decoupling of the price of electricity from that of gas. The latter is a measure that, if Europe does it, is certainly more effective but it can also be done at a national level ”.

Can we afford the costs?

"According to estimates, it takes 3-4 billion and no further budget variance is needed".

But Salvini asks it .

“The budget variance is not the solution, but a bottomless pit for money that we give away to speculation. We have different points of view on a problem that we both want to solve ».

A terrible autumn is expected for families and businesses . In Sardinia the situation is dramatic.

"We want to support families and businesses also with the tax credit mechanisms and with direct interventions, also using the resources deriving from the taxation of the extra profits of energy companies".

The Italian emergency on price increases is also linked to historical delays in energy policy.

"In the medium and long term, the challenge is to continue on the path of diversifying sources of supply from abroad, on the construction of new infrastructures, on the exploitation of the resources present in our territory and on investment in the production of energy from clean sources. and safe ".

Do you really believe in the project of a presidential republic?

“I am convinced that the presidential reform of the state is the mother of all reforms. This is what Italians have always asked for: a president elected by the citizens, a stable government, greater authority at the international level.

In any case, the structure of our Constitution would skip. Do you have a specific model in mind?

"We have no foreclosures whatsoever and we are willing to think about the various formulas, weights and counterweights".

Do you plan to get there with a Bicameral commission?

«The Bicamerale could be one more tool to reach the goal. But this is useful if the other political forces are willing to discuss ».

The previous Bicamerals have failed.

"For now, the left has said no prejudice because it is afraid that the system that has allowed it so far to stay in power without winning the elections may have changed".

He said that the "godsend for Europe" is over, defends Orban, but it seems that FdI does not want to break with Brussels nor with Draghi, the Italian lighthouse of the EU.

"Our vision of Europe is always the same and is based on a model capable of enhancing peoples and being up to the great challenges of our time".

The choice of field has not always been clear in the relationship with the EU.

“Unlike the left, we are very clear which half of the pitch is and for this reason we did not hesitate a minute to take sides against the Russian aggression against Ukraine. But it is equally true that, in this half of the field, in Europe and in the West, we want to be there with the strength and vision necessary for a great nation such as Italy ”.

Is the Atlantic alliance under discussion ?

"The Atlanticism of the Italian right has not been discussed since the late 1940s."

The electoral campaign of FdI seems to look more towards his coalition ("Salvini is more controversial with me than with his opponents") and less towards the left.

"It is not so. My opponent is the left and what interests me is to give Italy a strong and cohesive center-right government supported by a broad popular mandate ».

Will the center rodestra really maintain unity even after the vote?

"The center-right has presented a unified program, it is compact and will work together in the same direction."

Is there a risk that after the elections Fratelli d'Italia will choose a more radical dimension, perhaps looking at Orban or Vox?

"Every day I am forced to defend myself from the hate campaign unleashed against me and FdI by the left, which obviously has no tools to reply to our common sense proposals on the merits and tries to build the image of a" monster "that exists only in their heads. "

The polls give his party a big growth. But you have a ruling class problem to build.

"We have demonstrated both in the territories and in Parliament that we have a leading class that has grown up over time and is able to give those answers that the left has not provided for decades. And the good governance of our mayors and our governors are there to testify that we are not lacking in skills ».

Your opponents speak precisely of the risk of lack of skills.

«I do not accept lessons from those who brought Azzolina, Speranza, Toninelli or Di Maio to the government of the nation. In recent years, Fratelli d'Italia has carried out a great path of openness that has allowed us to welcome many authoritative personalities into our ranks ».

Even FdI has not given up on parachuting, see Pera in Sardinia.

«Marcello Pera is one of these influential personalities, so we are proud that he has embraced our project».

How much is the approval of the principle of insularity in the Constitution really worth for Sardinia?

"We have always given voice to Sardinia's requests even before the recognition in the Constitution of the principle of insularity: a historic battle that we have all carried on together and won in Parliament".

But now real content is needed to reduce the island's gap on infrastructures, transport, territorial continuity and energy costs (higher than the rest of Italy) .

«The historical reform of the principle of insularity will allow Sardinia to have equal growth opportunities compared to other Italian regions from the point of view of energy, infrastructures and territorial continuity. Certainly the contribution of FdI will not be lacking, in the next legislature, to implement this principle ».

You have the leadership of an important municipality like Cagliari: could Truzzu have a role in its eventual government?

«The good governance of the Brothers of Italy in Cagliari is there for all to see. And the results, from attention to the environment to that for people with disabilities, from family policies to the commitment to connect the city to its sea, demonstrate this. Truzzu is only at the beginning of his mandate and as mayor he still has a great job to do ».

Giulio Zasso

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