«A gift to the city of Alghero which involved not only the numerous visitors who in recent months have been able to admire the exhibition on the creative genius that characterized his long and award-winning career, but also many very young students with whom he spent extraordinary formative moments ». Thus the mayor Mario Conoci, the councilor for culture Alessandro Cocco and the president of the Alghero Foundation, Andrea Delogu, wanted to greet Gavino Sanna, the most famous and awarded Italian advertiser, on the occasion of the finissage of the exhibition "Una vita". At their side is the director of the Department of Architecture and Design of Alghero at the Uniss, Emilio Turco.

Inaugurated last September in the exhibition halls of the Lo Quarter cultural complex by the Alghero Foundation as part of the project financed by the Ministry of the Interior "Alghero Experience - A heritage to tell", the exhibition set up with the contribution of the Tinxy agency wanted to celebrate his works with a journey through five rooms that retrace his career: from the advertising and social campaigns on Sardinia to the national and international ones, passing through the famous caricatures and iconic drawings.

A unique exhibition that allowed us to admire the evolution of communication over the years and understand how advertising can be an art.

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