The nasal spray that neutralizes the virus. A portable machine that gives the response on the swab in seconds. And the discovery of molecules that pave the way for drugs against Covid-19.

These are some of the results obtained from the 10 SR4CoV collaborative research projects promoted by Sardegna Ricerche, with the Biomed platform team.

The studies - launched in 2020, during the early stages of the pandemic - involved various research groups from the Universities of Cagliari and Sassari, Crs4, Porto Conte Ricerche and local hospitals and were presented last Tuesday with a conference at the Park science and technology of Pula.

THE PROJECTS - Among the results illustrated by the speakers is the study to obtain a nasal spray that blocks the virus entering the respiratory tract. This is the goal of the NanoC4CoV project, which has already managed to develop an innovative antiviral system consisting of biocompatible carbon-based nanoparticles, recently patented by researchers.

Work is also being done to create a portable device capable of detecting Covid-19 in a few seconds and without reagents, in order to quickly perform mass screening with possible applications in airports or at stadium entrances. This is one of the possible applications of the Raman4Cov project which used Raman spectroscopy for virus tracking and identification with promising results.

In the development phase with the Coating4CoV project, it is also a new material capable of neutralizing the virus before it comes into contact with the organism. A new coating ideal for medical devices, such as gloves and masks, but also optimal in public places, for surfaces touched by many people: handles, handrails and touch screens.

The results on therapeutic agents for the treatment of Covid-19 infection are also fundamental: the DRUG4CoV research has managed to isolate a group of molecules that pave the way for drugs capable of treating those who contract the disease.

No less interesting are the studies on an electrical sensor for screening, those on high-throughput sequencing tests, as well as the research on new diagnostic paradigms and algorithms and that on variants.

"These are all projects activated in full lockdown - explains Maria Assunta Serra, general manager of Sardegna Ricerche - Collaborative studies in which the biomedical research support unit of Sardegna Ricerche and the laboratories of the Science Park made themselves available to try to give answers to the numerous challenges posed by the pandemic ".

The projects were illustrated by important speakers such as Enzo Tramontano, Elias Maccioni, Plinio Innocenzi, Pier Carlo Ricci, Daniela Pagnozzi, Roberto Cusano, Francesca Esposito and Stefano Lai.

(Unioneonline / vl)

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