Sassari-Alghero road : grave silence. The regional councilor of Forza Italia, Marco Tedde , once again returns to the great unfinished business asking the governor Solinas to intervene to reassure the territory with specific commitments.

«In 2020 we had hoped that with the appointment of President Solinas, as Commissioner with full powers relating to the planning, design, assignment and execution of the works for the construction of the road, the construction site at the Rudas Cantoniera could be started in short times . And we hoped that the work could be completed by the end of 2023. Bitterly frustrated hopes », comments the regional councilor.

A no longer justifiable silence fell on the last lot of the four-lane road. «Once again, we hope it will be the last, we invoke the intervention of the commissioner president Solinas, who must build an efficient commissioner structure , with a sub commissioner who could be identified in the person of the current public works commissioner, and with managers and officials capable of intervening and achieving the hoped-for objective of building the artery in an acceptable timeframe», Tedde insists. "And if there were problems that slow down the process, it is essential that the governor communicate them, and say how and in what time frame they can be resolved".

Even the center-left councilors of Alghero are alarmed. They had asked for a session of the City Council dedicated to public works, with a resolution voted unanimously last May. Even members of the League at the parliamentary level, as if they had no responsibility, accuse Solinas of having only caused unfinished business with his management, while Forza Italia asks Solinas to get help, two years after his office as commissioner. Clothes from another world. There really is no more time to waste . A clamorous protest is needed », they write from the Per Alghero, Futuro Comune, Sinistra Comune and Pd groups.

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