Five days of time available to the council groups to study and prepare the amendments to the 2023 Budget. The deadline set today in the Budget Committee for the presentation is Monday 9 January at 4 pm .

Before the general discussion, the parliamentarian led by Stefano Schirru (Psd'Az) completed the cycle of hearings on the stability law worth around ten billion euros. In particular, the president of the Anci Emiliano Deiana and the Rector of the University of Cagliari Francesco Mola were heard. Deiana urged the increase of the single fund of local authorities, for a value of 193 million euros, to allow the Municipalities to better face the expensive energy cost to the administrations approximately 70 million. Mola also focused on energy costs, explaining that those of the University have gone from 3.5 to 9.6 million, but also on the state of the building stock, partly dating back to the 1950s.

From Tuesday 10 , after an initial screening of the proposed modifications, the discussion of the articles will begin and should go on until Friday 13 . Once approved by the commission, the text will arrive in the Chamber ten days later . Then January 23rd or 24th.

The green light in the Regional Council is expected by 31 January . Otherwise, the Region would have to resort to a second month of a provisional budget year.

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