«The Italian language represents the identity of our nation». It constitutes a heritage "inherited from our past and from our history" and "we must learn to consider it a common good". And it is not possible to remain helpless in the face of the "progressive decline of the value attributed to our language", in a context in which the use of terms in English "has become a communicative practice which, far from enriching our linguistic heritage, impoverishes it and mortifies him."

For this reason, to counter what are defined as "obsessive foreignisms" which risk causing "a collapse of the use of the Italian language until its progressive disappearance", a bill is arriving presented to Montecitorio by the vice president of the Chamber of Fdi, Fabio Rampelli , supported by twenty signatures of his party: those who continue to use "foreign" terms, especially in the public administration, will risk "an administrative sanction consisting of the payment of a sum from 5,000 euros to 100,000 euros".

Because, it is the thesis of the representatives of Giorgia Meloni's party, the "international dominance of the English language" turns out to be even "more negative and paradoxical" due to Brexit.


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