"Have a good trip dad. I love you and I will always love you. Your Gem." So Emma Marrone wanted to greet her dad Rosario for the last time on Instagram, who died at 66 .

A great pain for the singer, who owes her great passion for music to her father, also remembered with a photo in which she plays the guitar. His father Rosario, in fact, was the one who brought Emma on the stages since she was nine , then making her as a talent scout and, in the early stages of her career, as a manager.

The news of Rosario Marrone's death was initially given by the Facebook page of the municipality of Aradeo, in the province of Lecce, the family's city of origin. And at the moment the causes of death are not known: Emma immediately set off to return to Salento and join her family.

The funeral will take place today at 5 pm , in the mother church of Aradeo.

(Unioneonline / vl)

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