The mosaic of applications is complete. Actually almost. The deadline for submitting lists for the municipal elections (it was 12pm) expires with a yellow. At the Municipality of Cagliari, in via Roma, 21 lists have arrived in support of the mayoral candidates, for just over 600 candidates for a place at Palazzo Bacaredda: 10 symbols for Massimo Zedda (centre-left), one no for Giuseppe Farris (CiviCa2024), one for Emanuela Corda (Alternativa), one for Claudia Ortu (Cagliari Popolare) and 8 for Alessandra Zedda (centre-right).

One of the centre-right lists, however, the Civic Movement for Cagliari, was accepted with reservations. The candidates' "fault" would be that of having brought the package with the documentation 6 minutes after the 12pm deadline, the deadline set for delivery.
Simone Paini, representative for the civic list, explains that «it was a mess for which we are not responsible. We were called this morning to the other Municipality office, in via Sonnino, to certify some signatures. It took a long time and although one of our representatives was in the Municipality in via Roma", where the signatures had to be deposited, "as early as 11.40am, our list was accepted with reservations. We hope that the democratic principle of participation in electoral competitions is not called into question and that they have no responsibility for what happened."
What happens now? Already this evening the commission of the electoral office of the Municipality of Cagliari will meet to verify the correctness of the lists: only on Monday, not before, will it be known whether all 21 or only 20 will be admitted.

In total there are currently 656 candidates for the Council of Palazzo Bacaredda: 259 in support of Alessandra Zedda, 309 for Massimo Zedda, 26 for Emanuela Corda, 34 for Giuseppe Farris and 28 for Claudia Ortu.


Massimo Zedda (Centre-left): Progressives, Pd, M5s (on this occasion he signed an agreement with Uniti per Todde, Avs, Orizzonte comune, Sinistra futuro, Cagliari Europea (Fortza Paris, Psi and Pri), A Innantis, Cagliari Avanti and Cagliari that I would like.

Alessandra Zedda (centre-right): FdI, Lega, FI, Sardinian Reformers, Psd'Az, Sardinia at the center 20Venti (with UDC candidates and representing the self-suspended Sardinian Gianni Chessa), Alleanza Sardegn, Movimento civico (with reservations).

Giuseppe Farris: CiviCa24

Emanuela Corda: Alternative

Claudia Ortu: Popular Cagliari

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