Bookings well in advance are now a rare commodity and even for these Easter celebrations those who do not already have the rooms occupied, await the days close to the holidays to "weigh" the start of the tourist season.

The real goal, however, remains the summer and all tourism operators on the island agree that the forecasts are more optimistic for 2021, with someone speaking of a real rebirth, "with numbers similar to 2012, a year after 'gold for the Sardinian sector ".

Carlo Amaduzzi, regional president of AssoHotel, the association of hotel entrepreneurs of Confesercenti, has no doubts: "For the Easter holidays we have no good news while we have a lot of bookings from the end of the month until September". Explanation? “In this period the war factor is having an impact, as are the 'frozen' flights by airlines. However in general we have always worked a little during these two days and this is also shown by the number of structures still closed, also because there are no employees ”.

In a few weeks, however, according to Amaduzzi, the boom seems assured: “The prospects for this summer are for a return to the record numbers of 2012; we have tons of reservations, really amazing. Perhaps because, precisely because of the war, Sardinia is seen as the most exotic destination, far from the conflict. And I speak from the end of April to October, with a season that is therefore getting longer ”.

IN FARMHOUSES - It's okay for Sardinian farmhouses, which no longer have a free table at Easter and Easter Monday. At least to hear Michelina Mulas, president of Terranostra, an association of Campagna Amica with over 200 members. “For my structure myself, I continue to receive about forty calls a day to book one of the 110 seats despite being full for two weeks now. But like me, many other associates, from Nuorese and Sassarese to Southern Sardinia ".

An exceptional result, “similar to the record we had in 2019, nothing compared to the last two years where the pandemic has instead marked the collapse of bookings, with phones never ringing. I have never really seen such a movement ".


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