" We are here because the Italians have asked for it. Are you ready to leave and rebuild this pact? ". Mario Draghi arrives a few minutes late in the Senate chamber. He speaks for half an hour: he claims, on the one hand, the results obtained thanks to the political forces when they worked "in the interest of the country".

But on the other hand, it sets clear limits so that we can continue with the government of "national unity" which up to now has guaranteed "the democratic legitimacy" of the executive and its "effectiveness".

The broadest possible consensus of Parliament is all the more necessary for a " Prime Minister who has never presented himself in front of the voters ". And the only way forward, he strongly emphasizes, "is to rebuild this pact all over again, with courage, altruism, credibility".

Enough ambiguity, therefore. The premier addresses, without explicitly mentioning them, above all to Lega and Movimento Cinque Stelle, speaking of " months of tears and ultimatums ". It is no coincidence that pentastellati and leaguers do not join in the applause that follows the end of the speech in the Chamber.

Draghi opens up to autonomy, to pension reform, to improvements in citizenship income, to keeping the energy transition objectives firm, to resolving critical issues on the Superbonus but " reducing contributions ".

But he presses: you cannot ask for energy security for the Italians and at the same time "protest" against the regasifiers . You cannot support the reforms and then give the square the edge, as in the case of taxis. Ukraine must continue to be armed because it remains the only way "to help the Ukrainians to defend themselves" . And he warns Lega and M5S, who have asked for it on several occasions: "This year no budget variance" .

In the course of subsequent interventions, the center-right reiterated its intention to maintain support for Draghi, but in a majority without the 5 Star Movement . The pentastellati, on the other hand, again underlined their intention not to tolerate the dismantling of their fixed points (economic transition, citizenship income, etc.).

In the following reply, Draghi was very brief: “I don't ask for full powers, I only ask for trust” . As if to say: if you want I'm here, otherwise I have no problem leaving.

After the declarations of the parties, in the evening, the vote on the "Casini resolution" is expected, presented precisely by Pierferdinando Casini, lapidary: "The declarations of the Prime Minister are approved".

Below is the live broadcast by the hour on the government crisis .

7.44 pm - Gelmini leaves Forza Italia

"This Forza Italia is not the political movement in which I played for almost twenty-five

years: I can't stay a minute longer in this party ". Mariastella Gelmini, Minister for Regional Affairs and Autonomy, said in a note, adding that" Forza Italia has definitively turned its back on Italians, families, businesses, to the productive classes and its history, and has given the scepter to Matteo Salvini ".


19.33 - Read: "Day of madness"

"On this day of madness, Parliament decides to go against Italy. We have made every effort to avoid it and support the Draghi government. The Italians will demonstrate in the polls that they are wiser than their representatives". The secretary of the Democratic Party Enrico Letta writes on Twitter.


19.22 - Go to the vote on trust


7.18 pm - Casellati: "Without M5S there is no quorum"

"If they do not participate in the vote, will the quorum be missing? Eh, the quorum is missing". The president of the Senate, Elisabetta Casellati said this, addressing the general secretary of Palazzo Madama - with an open and audible microphone - immediately after the announcement of the M5s that she will not participate in the vote on confidence in the government. Same decision announced by Forza Italia and Lega.


19.09 - M5S: "Let's remove the disturbance and do not participate in the vote"

"You, President Draghi, had said that a high-profile government must not identify itself with any political force. Let me say that a high-profile government should not even take sides clearly with a political force, as has been done." This was stated by the head of the M5s group in the Senate, Mariolina Castellone, in an explanation of vote on the question of trust posed by Prime Minister Mario Draghi on the resolution after his communications. "Let's remove the disturbance", concluded Castellone, announcing the non-participation in the vote of the M5S.


6.45 pm - Bernini (FI): "New pact without out of tune orchestral players"

"We have proposed a new pact because we believe in the conductor, but we no longer believe in out of tune orchestral players." Senator Bernini (Forza Italia) said this to Draghi, referring to the indication of the center-right to give life to a new majority, without the 5 Star Movement Forza Italia, in particular, does not intend to participate in the vote of confidence.


18.32 - Center-right: "We do not vote for the Casini resolution"

"Forza Italia, Lega, Udc and Noi with Italy have welcomed with great amazement Draghi's decision" to place their trust "on the resolution presented by a senator - Pierferdinando Casini - elected by the left". So we read in a note from the center-right, which does not intend to vote on the Casini resolution.


6 pm - Renzi: "Crisis wanted by the M5S is absurd"

"This grotesque and absurd crisis wanted by Conte and M5s falls at a time full of problems. Democracy is in crisis from the United Kingdom to Sri Lanka, while we are engaged in our affairs starting from a waste-to-energy plant, necessary. The war goes on even when we pretend not to notice it. Inflation has been at an all-time high for years. Parliament is firm on an absurd position of those who want a crisis, but do not have the courage to get ministers to resign ". Thus Matteo Renzi, leader of Italia viva, speaking in explanations of vote in the Senate on the confidence in Prime Minister Draghi.


5.50 pm - Explanations of vote in progress

17.20 - Group leaders, then the explanations of vote

The president of the Senate Casellati has called the conference of the group leaders, before the explanations of vote of the various parties.


05.05 pm - Draghi: "I ask for trust, I don't want full powers"

"No requests for full powers." Mario Draghi replies to some attacks that arrived during the debate at Palazzo Madama. In his reply, the premier was very brief: "The support I saw in the country led me to propose a coalition pact and submit it to your vote, you decide. No requests for full powers. "Then the request to vote for confidence, according to a resolution presented by Senator Casini.


16.32 - Contacts between Salvini and Meloni

Matteo Salvini, secretary of the League, and Giorgia Meloni, president of the Brothers of Italy are having repeated contacts. This is confirmed by sources of the two parties.


16.25 - Letta-Hope-Conte meeting

The secretary of the Democratic Party, Enrico Letta, and the minister of health, Roberto Speranza, have recently left the offices of the M5s in the Senate, where the president of the Movement, Giuseppe Conte, is also present.


16.19 - Center-right: "We will vote only our resolution no M5S"

"The senators of the center-right of the government will vote only on their own resolution, which calls for a" pact "for a new, deeply renewed government, again led by Mario Draghi and without the 5 Star Movement". This was reported by a note from the center-right forces that supports the majority.


04.04 - Mattarella hears the leaders of the majority

The President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella would have started telephone consultations after hearing the leaders of the majority to take stock of the situation after the parliamentary debate in the Senate on trust. Among the hypotheses, we always think in parliamentary circles, including that of the conditions for a Draghi bis. In the background, the dissolution of the Chambers.


3.15 pm - Senate, debate interrupted for an hour and a half

The president of the Senate Casellati, on the proposal of some groups, has established the suspension of the session for an hour and a half. It resumes around 5pm


3.10 pm - M5S: "We ask Draghi for a change of pace"

  "We cannot fail to ask you for a change of pace, we cannot fail to ask you how concrete actions are needed in the face of this emergency". This was stated by the senator of the M5s Ettore Licheri speaking on behalf of the group in the Senate and addressing Prime Minister Mario Draghi.


3 pm - Pd: "We are more convinced than before, the others are clear"

"We need an authoritative and credible government to tackle the steps we face in Europe. We will support you because we want to complete the PNRR and the necessary reforms that are still different. We agree with the pact you have proposed to us and we are even more convinced before". Thus the vice president of the senators of the Democratic Party Franco Mirabelli, speaking in the Chamber after the communications of Prime Minister Mario Draghi.

"Everyone should do the same - he added -, say clearly whether or not you agree with this proposal. We all have the responsibility to say Yes or No, it is not serious to invent other ways or other solutions".


14.50 - Center-right government: "With Draghi but without M5S"

"As President Mario Draghi correctly pointed out in the course of his speech, the decision of the 5 Star Movement broke the pact of trust that was at the basis of the government of national unity, which it also faced - successfully and initiated with our loyal contribution - serious emergencies and valuable work on the PNR has started. The so-called government is open to a 'new pact' of government and will continue to make its contribution to solving Italy's problems only with a new government, still led by Mario Draghi, without the M5S and deeply renewed ". Thus in a note from the center-right of the government.


2.40 pm - Casini presents a resolution pro Draghi

The resolution of the parties asking Prime Minister Mario Draghi to continue his work at Palazzo Chigi was signed only by the former president of the Chamber Pierferdinando Casini and not by the group leaders. Some group leaders of the Senate report this to Ansa. "Listen to the communications of the Prime Minister, the Senate approves them" is the dry text of the Casini resolution. In this way, the resolution will be put to the vote in the Chamber regardless of the signatures and adhesions of the center-right group leaders.


2.35 pm - League Resolution: "We need a new government"

"The Senate grants its support to the action of a deeply renewed government both in terms of political choices and in composition". This is what the Lega asks in a resolution proposal signed by senators Roberto Calderoli and by the Northern League leader Massimiliano Romeo in the Senate, after the communications of Prime Minister Draghi in the Chamber.


2.10 pm - Draghi leaves the classroom after Romeo's words

Prime Minister Mario Draghi left the Senate after the hard intervention of the group leader of the Lega Massimiliano Romeo.

Draghi listened to Romeo's speech, staring at the leader of the League, keeping her arms crossed on the government bench. As Romeo's speech continued, he began taking notes. After Romeo's speech, Draghi first spoke to Minister Guerini, who sat on his left. At that point he got up and left the classroom together with Guerini himself.


13.55 - Romeo (Lega): "We are here, but without M5S"

"We are there if it is a question of making a new majority. Without M5s, and if we need to reconstitute a new government". Thus the leader of the League in the Senate, Massimiliano Romeo speaking in the Chamber after the communications of Prime Minister Draghi. "We need a new government with her, because we respect her and she is authoritative".

"We need to understand if the goal is to save the country, and you have all the respect of the League with your authority, or if your primary interest is to save the progressive broad field that ended up for some mistake and, as Mastella says, ended up in the incinerator, "added Romeo.


13.29 - “Dragons unconvincing”: excitement in the Lega home

Ferment in the League after the communications of Prime Minister Mario Draghi to the Senate. According to what is learned from parliamentary sources, several perplexities have emerged among the leaguers about the speech of the Prime Minister, defined as "unconvincing". In particular, they have displaced the references to the party made, implicitly, by the Prime Minister and perceived by many as attacks.


1.19 pm - Di Battista: "With what guts can you vote for trust?"

"Is there really anyone with the guts to vote Draghi's trust?" A post written by Alessandro Di Battista on Facebook ends with this question. "Let's recap the messiah's declarations - writes the former M5s with sarcasm -. Citizenship income will be changed as I and only I say. More and more weapons in Ukraine because NATO

it counts more than the Constitution. Minimum wage ok but following European orders and working hand in hand with trade unions who do not want to lose any of the power that still remains ".


12.45 - Hours of reflection for M5S, Conte's permanent meeting with the top management

These are hours of reflection for the M5s, after the communications of Prime Minister Mario Draghi. Giuseppe Conte is engaged in a sort of permanent meeting with the leaders of the party in the offices of the group in Palazzo Madama, to define the position to be expressed in the declaration of vote in the Senate.


12.05 - New summit of the government center-right

Lega leader Matteo Salvini is going to Villa Grande, the Roman residence of Silvio Berlusconi, for a new summit of the center-right forces of government, now convened in the light of the communications of Prime Minister Draghi in the Senate and after the assembly of parliamentarians and Northern League ministers, together with Salvini. On that meeting, the League let it be known that there was "total harmony among those present and solidarity with the secretary".


11.45 am - Conte brings together the M5S senators

The leader of the M5s Giuseppe Conte is meeting the senators of the Movement at Palazzo Madama. After having met for about an hour with the leaders of the party, Conte has just moved to the office where the senators were waiting for him.


11.40 am - Meloni: "Draghi demands full powers, elections immediately"

"Draghi arrives in Parliament and in fact demands full powers, claiming that the Italians asked him to. But in a democracy the popular will is expressed only with the vote, not on the grill platforms or with the appeals of the Democratic Party". The leader of FdI, Giorgia Meloni, writes on Facebook. "It is the autocracies that claim to represent the people without having the citizens vote, not the Western democracies. Fratelli d'Italia does not intend to indulge this dangerous drift. Let the Italians decide their future, not this delegitimized and frightened Parliament. Elections immediately ".


11.25 am - Di Maio: "Draghi's speech is unexceptionable"

"President Draghi's speech was flawless, concrete, far-sighted. Now there are no more excuses: those who do not vote for confidence in the government turn their backs on the Italians. Now we don't need little games, but we need to act with a great sense of the institutions". Thus the minister Luigi Di Maio.


11.05 am - The debate resumes

The debate starts again at Palazzo Madama after communications from Prime Minister Mario Draghi.


10.30 - Draghi leaves the Senate, the debate resumes at 11

Prime Minister Mario Draghi has left the Senate and is now headed to the Chamber where he is expected to deliver the intervention on communications. The debate is suspended and resumes at 11.


10.20 am - Lega and M5S do not applaud

The senators of Lega and Movimento 5 Stelle did not applaud at the end of Mario Draghi's hard speech, who sent several messages to the two parties regarding the tears and ultimatums of recent months.


10.20 am - "Are you ready to rebuild the pact of trust?"

We need a government that "is really strong and cohesive and a Parliament that accompanies it with conviction, in mutual respect for roles. Italy does not need a facade trust, which vanishes in the face of inconvenient measures. We need a new, sincere pact of trust and concrete, like the one that has allowed us to change the country for the better so far. The parties and you parliamentarians - are you ready to rebuild this pact? ". Thus Prime Minister Mario Draghi concludes his speech in the Senate among the brusii.


10.17 am: "Citizenship income must be improved"

We need to push collective agreements, interventions are needed to ensure decent wage levels for groups of workers most in distress. Citizenship income is an important measure, but it can be improved to favor those most in need and reduce the negative effects on the labor market ", said Draghi, also underlining the need for a new pension reform with greater" flexibility in exit. ". On building bonuses, “overcome the critical issues in the assignment of credits but reduce contributions”.


10.15 - "This year no budget variance"

"This year the public finance trend is better than expected and allows us to intervene without new budget variances". This was stated by the Prime Minister, Mario Draghi. A message to Lega and M5S, who asked for a budget variance.


10.10 am - "Arming Ukraine is the only way to defend the Ukrainians"

"The government identifies with Europe and NATO. The position is clear and strong in the heart of the EU, the G7 and NATO. Ukraine must be supported in every way. As the Ukrainian president repeated yesterday, arming Ukraine is the only one to help the Ukrainians to defend themselves ". Prime Minister Mario Draghi said this in the Senate.


10.05 am - M5S Senators do not applaud

The M5S senators do not applaud the passages of Mario Draghi's speech at Palazzo Madama unlike the rest of the majority. On one occasion, the senators of the League were not joined by a clap from the majority.

10 am - Draghi: "Rebuilding the majority pact"

"Not voting for trust is a clear political gesture, it cannot be ignored, it is equivalent to ignoring Parliament and it is not possible to contain it because it means that everyone can repeat it, it is not possible to minimize it. Even more so because it comes after months of tears and ultimatums. ". Prime Minister Mario Draghi said this in the Senate, underlining that we must "rebuild the majority pact".


9.57 am - Draghi: "Proud to be Italian"

The "Italians have supported the measures that we have put in place from time to time, they have become real political protagonists, I think of the patient respect during the restrictions of the pandemic, of vaccination, of the spontaneous reception of Ukrainian refugees welcomed with affection and solidarity. to local communities with the PNRR: never as in these moments have I been proud to be Italian ". This was stated by the Prime Minister, Mario Draghi in the Senate.


9.55 am - Draghi: "We need a broad concensus"

"The President of the Republic entrusted me with the task" of prime minister with the aim of addressing "three emergencies: pandemic, economic and social", "all the main parties, with one exception, decided to respond positively to that appeal. In the speech I gave in this Chamber I referred to national unity, which in recent months has been the best guarantee of this executive and of its effectiveness. I believe that a prime minister who has never presented himself before the voters must have the broader consensus consensus ". Prime Minister Mario Draghi said this in communications to the Senate.


9.50 am - Draghi: "My resignation was a painful but necessary choice"

"My resignation is a painful but necessary choice," said Mario Draghi, stressing that being an unelected prime minister, he needs "very broad" support in Parliament.


9.50 am - Debate, timing starts

The session with the communications of the Prime Minister Mario Draghi kicks off in the Senate Hall. The premier sits between the defense and foreign ministers, Lorenzo Guerini and Luigi Di Maio. The government is full and the House is packed.

The session will go on with Draghi's speech until 10.30, when the Prime Minister will go to the Chamber to deliver the text of the communications made to Palazzo Madama. At 11.00 the session of the Senate will resume, with a general discussion scheduled until 17.00, when Draghi will reply. At 5.30 pm the explanations of vote will begin and at 7 pm the "call" of the senators will start.


9.40 am - Renzi: "I think it ends well"

"I think it will end well, let's see the timing": thus Matteo Renzi arriving at the Senate where the communications of Prime Minister Mario Draghi on the government crisis are expected.


9.35 am - Patuanelli: "Let's listen to Draghi"

"Let's listen". Thus the minister and M5s exponent Stefano Patuanelli, coming out of the meeting with Giuseppe Conte, replied to the reporters who asked him what the position of the Movement is a few minutes before the beginning of Mario Draghi's speech.


9.20 - D'Incà: "I hope it's a good day for the country"

"I hope it's a good day for the country." This was stated by the Minister for Relations with Parliament, Federico D'Incà, deputy of the M5s, arriving at the Senate for communications from Prime Minister Mario Draghi, without answering questions on the position of the Movement.


9 am - Draghi at Palazzo Chigi, communications to the Senate at 9.30

The Prime Minister, Mario Draghi, is at Palazzo Chigi. The premier, who is expected in the Senate at 9.30 for his communications, arrived at the seat of the government shortly after 8.30.


8.40 am - Salvini: "The League will decide for the good of Italy"

"After the government crisis caused by the 5 Stars, after days of threats and provocations, with dozens of parliamentarians who change parties to save their seats and with a Pd that insists on talking about ius soli, Zan ddl and electoral law, instead of putting at the center wages, bills and work, today we decide. And the League, united and compact, will decide only and only for the good and the future of Italy ". So writes on Twitter the secretary of the League, Matteo Salvini in view of the communications of Prime Minister Draghi to the Senate.


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