Does pasta make you fat?

Pasta delights the palate, satisfies the mind and can easily , if consumed in moderation, be part of a person's normal diet without risking making them fat .

An average portion of pasta , equal to about 80 grams, seasoned with fresh tomato and a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil in fact rarely exceeds 400 calories .

A fairly common mistake that has led to this commonplace is to eat another source of carbohydrates, such as bread, at the same meal . In this case we will have as a direct consequence an overproduction of insulin , the anabolic and lipogenic hormone par excellence.

A benevolent expedient for digestion and metabolism is to combine pasta with vegetables . Vegetable fibers would slow down and at the same time reduce the absorption of carbohydrates from pasta.

A rational choice also suggests, among the various types of pasta, the wholemeal one which, being rich in fibre, has a lower glycemic index than the common durum wheat semolina pasta and a greater satiating power , a convenient aid for not overdoing the portions .

It is also important to remind the sworn enemies of the first course that good quality pasta not only contains carbohydrates but boasts a moderate protein content which often reaches 14%.

Doctor Pietro Senette – Nutritionist

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