"Dear Union,

I am 52 years old and - even considering my age - I am not a fan of Greta Thunberg and the ecological movement that periodically participates in the “Friday for Future” parades.

Indeed, to tell the truth, until now I have never realized that I have an "ecological conscience". In early September, however, something happened that made me understand how, in fact, it would take very little to reduce at least a little the consumption of the hated and feared plastic.

My grandson, for my birthday, since after the summer I would be back in the office after months of work from home due to Covid, he gave me an aluminum bottle. In the first few days, I confess, I didn't use it much (I didn't really use it at all), relying as usual on the plastic bottles bought at the bar, even three or four a day.

Then I made up my mind and started to bring my bottle from home, filled with tap water or cold tea.

Well: after a week, looking at the desk and the basket empty of empty bottles, I stopped to make a very trivial calculation, discovering that thanks to the bottle I had avoided consuming about twenty plastic bottles. It doesn't take a scientist to multiply my 20 fewer bottles a week by the number of people in Italy. If everyone used their water bottle, the plastic bottles that wouldn't end up around (maybe on the ground, in parks, gardens or at sea, etc.) would be millions every week! These are the small, concrete gestures to defend the environment ... "

Mauro - Cagliari


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