The Ariella Vidach Aiep and Déjà Donné companies opened the 13th "Primavera a Teatro" festival in the Sala Estemporada in Sassari. Curated by Livia Lepri, the program aims to give women an important moment of attention through dance.

The young dancer Sofia Casprini laid herself bare in every sense in an exploration of physicality and its changes over time. In the interpretation of " HOPE solo" , an excerpt from the show of the same name created and directed by Ariella Vidach and Claudio Prati , the artist tried to rediscover all the facets of corporeity, from the most material and evident ones to the most abstract and indefinite ones now projected towards the world of virtual reality. A reality that with the advent of social media has begun to determine a new concept of physical experience.

Sofia Casprini (foto concessa)
Sofia Casprini (foto concessa)

Sofia Casprini (foto concessa)

A dense interlude of applause led the evening towards the second appointment with Virginia Spallarossa . After the highly appreciated “Ho me” and “Carta Bianca”, the choreographer returned to Sardinia to present “ Box ”, a preview extract of the last episode of the trilogy dedicated to the exploration of time, in the new 2024 production for the Déjà company Donné directed by Gilles Toutevoix .

At the end of the evening " The aperitif with the artist ", which in a now consolidated format allowed a convivial meeting between the public and the protagonists to interact and exchange interests and experiences.

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