Sudden or progressive tooth loss is a problem that many people face throughout their lives.

It's important not to let too much time pass to replace the missing elements with a fixed rehabilitation, because delaying could lead to additional problems; however, it is normal to feel intimidated by the possibility of having to undergo an implant surgery.

Thanks to the enormous progress made by modern orthodontics, the latest generation dental centers, such as Bludental, can benefit from the most sophisticated instrumentation and innovative techniques to perform treatments considered highly invasive until a few years ago. Like computer-guided implantology, an advanced intervention methodology that has revolutionized the lives of many people.

Computer guided implantology is a programmable, safe and non-invasive treatment for the insertion of dental implants. The intervention is planned in detail thanks to the use of software and, in most cases, does not require incisions or stitches.

It all happens in three basic steps:

1 - During the first visit, through direct observation and radiographic examinations, the dentist examines the general state of health of the mouth and verifies anatomical information in order to plan the best positioning of the dental implants to be inserted.

2 - The second phase is entirely performed by the software, which processes the 3D digital model of the patient's mouth and develops the surgical template: the physical guide for positioning the implants during surgery.

3 - For the insertion of the implants, the patient returns to the chair after the first visit and, under normal conditions, will leave the center with a temporary fixed prosthesis which will immediately restore the aesthetics of the teeth and in a short time also the phonetic and masticatory function. This prosthesis, after due healing time, can be replaced by a definitive prosthesis.

The advantages of guided implantology are numerous:

  • The intervention is faster, more precise and safer;
  • The invasiveness is minimal;
  • Fixed teeth can be regained in a few hours;
  • The post-operative course is more serene and painless.

Contact a specialist to find out more, the Bludental centers are open from Monday to Friday, from 8 to 20 all day.

BLUDENTAL Cagliari, BD 24 SRL, Via della Pineta 231, - 09126 Cagliari - Telephone: 0707335482 - Medical Director: Dr. Della Cioppa Antonio Maria Enrolled in the Provincial Register of Dentists of Naples n. 28868 of 09/27/1999, Authorized with SCIA presented on 12/23/2022 with prot. no. 3735723/22.

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