In Sardinia 98 municipalities vote to elect mayor and municipal councils.

The turnout at the regional level is just over 60.9%. A figure down compared to the previous administrative which had registered a turnout of 66.73% (but in that case we voted in a single day). 60.8% voted in Olbia (68.7% the previous figure), Carbonia 55.9% (61.7% the previous figure), Capoterra 55.9% (60.9% the previous figure).

Here are all the updates, municipality by municipality.

OLBIA - Settimo Nizzi is ahead of Augusto Navone. The trend settled after a few hours of head to head between the outgoing mayor, at the helm of the center-right coalition, and the challenger leader of the grand coalition. Out of 14485 ballots scrutinized out of the 30026 overall, Augusto Navone collected 9574 preferences against Settimo Nizzi's 10120 equal to 48.6% against 51.4.

L'attesa (foto L'Unione Sarda - De Roberto)
L'attesa (foto L'Unione Sarda - De Roberto)
L'attesa (foto L'Unione Sarda - De Roberto)

The supporters of the two candidates are gathered in the two electoral offices, both in the historic center. However, data on the votes of the lists are not yet available. The electoral competition was also marked by a rather low turnout, just over 60% of the citizens of Olbia voted, a figure lower than that of five years ago. (C. De Roberto)

Nizzi acclaimed by his supporters - VIDEO (C. De Roberto):

Olbia, Settimo Nizzi acclamato dai suoi sostenitori


Candidati a Capoterra:\u00A0da sx Piga, Garau, Marras, De Muru, Congiu (da Facebook)
Candidati a Capoterra:\u00A0da sx Piga, Garau, Marras, De Muru, Congiu (da Facebook)
Candidati a Capoterra: da sx Piga, Garau, Marras, De Muru, Congiu (da Facebook)

CAPOTERRA - 10,233 ballots out of 11,521 voters scrutinized. To Beniamino Piga (six civic lists) 4089 votes (40%), to Beniamino Garau (Lega, Psd'Az, Sardinia 2020 plus two civic lists) 2908 votes (28.5%), to Gianluigi Marras (Forza Italia, Riformatori, Fratelli d'Italia plus a civic list) 1778 (16.9%), Efisio Demuru (Pd) 1053 votes (10.5%) and Attilio Congiu (Psi) 226 votes (2%). We are moving towards the ballot between Piga and Garau. (P. Card)

Lo spoglio a Capoterra (Foto Paolo Carta)
Lo spoglio a Capoterra (Foto Paolo Carta)
Lo spoglio a Capoterra (Foto Paolo Carta)


Candidati a Carbonia: da sx Garau, Morittu, Pizzuto (da Facebook)
Candidati a Carbonia: da sx Garau, Morittu, Pizzuto (da Facebook)
Candidati a Carbonia: da sx Garau, Morittu, Pizzuto (da Facebook)

CARBONIA - The counting of the ballots of Carbonia still says that the citizens have chosen Pietro Morittu to lead the city of coal after the Five Star Movement. Morittu reached over 60% of the preferences, Luca Pizzuto between 21-22% and Daniela Garau between 13 and 14%. The three have decided to wait for the final figure for a definitive declaration on the result of the vote even if Pizzuto and Garau clearly speak of defeat that will be analyzed in detail and Morittu has already anticipated that if the figure that gives him the winner should be confirmed "I will be the mayor of all, now we need to restart the city by joining all forces ". (S. Piredda)

Morittu's first words - VIDEO (F. Murru):

Pietro Morittu, le prime parole da sindaco




Elmas - Maria Laura Orrù , regional councilor of the Progressives, is the new mayor of Elmas, the first woman to wear the tricolor sash. "The towns and citizens of Elmas - these are his first words - have given us their trust. I am speechless but with my heart in my hand. Simply thank you!". Orrù beat Silvio Ruggeri and Giuseppe Argiolas, both supported by civic lists.

Sarroch - Angelo Dessì is the new mayor of Sarroch. With a few cards still to be scrutinized, the advantage of the leaders of “Entu Estu” is clear, over Massimiliano Salis of “Sarroch al centro”, and over Mirko Spiga, candidate of “Noi per Sarroch”. Dessì, at the moment, has totaled 51.3% of preferences, Spiga 29.2, and Salis 19.5. "From tomorrow we will start working on our program - says the new mayor -, there are emergencies, such as that linked to the crisis in the industrial sector, which must be addressed". (I. Murgana)


Armungia - Antonio Quartu , 69, is the new mayor of Armungia. Engineer and former regional manager in the last legislature he held the position of deputy mayor. Quartu was running against the outgoing mayor Donatella Dessì. At the head of the civic list "Armungia, work, environment and culture", Quartu received the highest number of consents. He will lead the country for the next five years. (F. Lai)

Barrali - Fausto Piga

Buggerru - Laura Cappelli

Decimoputzu - Antonino Munzittu

Domusnovas - Isangela Mascia

Escalaplano - Marco Lampis , 50, was re-elected Mayor for the third consecutive time. Nine hundred votes that allowed him to wear the tricolor sash once again. His opponent at the polls the outgoing deputy mayor Alessandro Lai, 36 years old. “I am very happy, it is the first time that a mayor has been confirmed three times in Escalaplano - commented Lampis - it is a great satisfaction. It was a good election campaign. From tomorrow we will continue to work hoping to always be able to give our best for the good of the country ”. (F. Lai)

Genuri - Sandro Branca

Gergei - Rossano Zedda, outgoing mayor, promoted to the third term with 491 votes compared to 276 by Gianfranco Manis (S. Gioia)

Gesico - Terenzio Schirru wins the challenge between the former mayors of Gesico. It will be he who will lead the town of the upper Trexenta in the next five years, after having won the electoral competition that saw him opposed to Rodolfo Cancedda. It was a clear victory for Schirru, a lawyer by profession, who left his opponent behind from the very first ballots, leaving no doubts about the final outcome of the challenge. The list of winners also lined up, as a candidate for councilor, the outgoing mayor Cinzia Porceddu who achieved an excellent personal result. A return to the past for the town (less than 1000 inhabitants) known for the Feast of Sant'Amatore and the Snail Festival. Terenzio Schirru has already administered the Municipality for two consecutive terms from 2001 to 2011, while Rodolfo Cancedda for four terms: three consecutive from 1990 to 2001 and then again from 2011 to 2016. (S. Sirigu)

Gonnesa - In Gonnesa the three-way challenge for the conquest of the Town Hall sees Pietro Cocco victorious. With 1,588 votes, 53% of the preferences, Cocco at the helm of "Uniti per Gonnesa" beat the outgoing mayor Hansel Cabiddu, whose list "For the Common Good Gonnesa" obtained 1,014 votes, and Antonello Casu who stopped at 395 votes with the list "Our territory". “It is a very positive result - says Pietro Cocco - I thank the community that has trusted us, we will work to implement the points of the program with which we have proposed to the voters”. In Gonnesa, the percentage of voters settled at 66.3%. The most voted among the board candidates was Giorgio Lenzu, with 381 preferences. (A. Pani)

Isili - Luca Pilia : the   outgoing mayor with a thousand votes double the veteran Salvatore Pala and leaves Ignazio Faedda behind by almost 800 votes (S. Gioia)

Las Plassas - Andrea Lampis

Masainas - Gian Luca Pittoni

Narcao - Antonello Cani

Nuragus - Giovanni Daga with 363 votes against Giampietro Congiu's 263 (S. Gioia)

Pauli Arbarei - Antonio Sanna

Perdaxius - Gianluigi Loru

San Giovanni Suergiu - Elvira Usai

San Nicolò Gerrei - Stefano Soro , 33, was re-elected in San Nicolò Gerrei, for his second term. The only candidate with the “Pauli Gerrei continuity and progress” list. Hence a race against the quorum. In the country of Gerrei 415 voted, valid votes were 355. The turnout was 56, 16%. (F. Lai)

San Vito - Marco Antonio Siddi remains mayor of San Vito. He won the elections with a few votes to spare, recovering in section number 1. He came back with a renewed list. In short, new faces. A choice that has rewarded. Yet the count had not started well for him: in the hamlet of San Priamo he had been overtaken by the candidate of the opposing list Alberto Cuccu (128 to 83). At the sprint with the result collected in the other three sections in San Vito, he had the better of confirming himself as mayor. The votes of section number 1 were decisive and overturned the result. It should be remembered that his list consists of only nine candidates against Cuccu's 12. (A. Serreli)

Sant'Andrea Frius - Simone Melis , re-elected for the second consecutive term, 33 years. The mayor ran alone against the quorum with the civic list "Together for Sant'Andrea Frius". Melis got 707 votes. Voter turnout stood at 42.95%, up from around 50% five years ago. (F. Lai)

Sardara - Giorgio Zucca

Selegas - Alessio Piras

Serramanna - Gabriele Littera

Setzu - Sandro Palla

Soleminis - Fedele La Delfa , entrepreneur, is the new mayor of Soleminis, the center of Parteolla. Delfa won at the head of the "Sardinia in the heart" list by beating the deputy mayor Corrado Murgia. 75% of the voters voted, one of the highest percentages in Sardinia. Outgoing mayor Rita Pireddu did not show up again. Soleminis is a municipality in strong demographic growth with many families who have moved to the town in the last thirty years. (A. Serreli)

Turri - Martino Picchedda

Villacidro - Federico Sollai

Villamar - Gian Luca Atzeni

Villanovatulo - Alberto Loddo wins against 322 votes, behind him Pierpaolo Manca with 217 and Gianfranco Demuro with 169 (S. Gioia)

Villanovaforru - Maurizio Onnis

Villaperuccio - Marcellino Piras

Villasalto - Leonardo Usai , 63 years old, veterinary manager of Asl 8, is the new first citizen of Villasalto. The newborn reached the quorum on the first day of voting. Voter turnout in the country was 49.56%, while five years ago the percentage stood at 58.02%. (F. Lai)


Albagiara - Marcello Pilloni won the match against Alessandra Muscas. Pilloni, 53, freelance, succeeds Marco Marrocu. (V. Pinna)

Baradili - Maria Anna Camedda, 49, succeeds Lino Zedda. The smallest town on the island has a female mayor for the first time. (V. Pinna)

Bonarcado - Annalisa Mele , Northern League regional councilor, on the field alone has overcome the barrier of 40%. (V. Pinna)

Cuglieri - Andrea Loche

Gonnoscodina - Commissariat

Marrubiu - Luca Corrias is the new mayor of Marrubiu. He won against the quorum, his only opponent, for a total of 2358 votes. In the town of Terralbese only his list took the field: “Noi per Marubiu”. This time no one else has attempted the climb to occupy the most coveted seat of the Municipality, famous above all for Su Marrulleri, the Carnival that has always attracted visitors from all over the island. Luca Corrias, a 32-year-old lawyer, born and raised in Marrubiu, will govern without opposition. He takes the place of Andrea Santucciu who, after two terms as mayor and one as deputy, had to hang up the tricolor sash. (S. Pinna)

Nureci - Quorum not reached

Ollastra - Osvaldo Congiu , 51, imposed himself on the outgoing first citizen Giovannino Angelo Cianciotto, 68. (V. Pinna)

Riola Sardo - Lorenzo Pinna is the new mayor of Riola Sardo. With 681 votes, the 41-year-old farmer, with a degree in agriculture in his pocket, managed to realize his dream: to manage the country where he was born and where he decided to live and work. "I have goosebumps - said the newly elected when he started reading the first greeting messages on his phone -. It doesn't seem real to me. I am honored for what I am going to do from tomorrow. I couldn't be sure of my victory but from the looks and smiles of the citizens I sensed that maybe I could do it. My fellow villagers have voted what they see, what they are. I have no godfather behind me except my group that I have chosen well after a year of work ”. Lorenzo Pinna, former leader of the minority group when mayor was Mauro Saba, managed to beat Irene Erdas (385 votes), former councilor for Culture and Domenico Ari (155 votes), former mayor from 2015 to 2017. After the arrival of three commissioners in three years, now Riola Sardo has once again a mayor. (S. Pinna)

Ruinas - Gianni Tatti, 55, returns for the fifth time to lead the Municipality. The only candidate, he beat the quorum (44.34% of voters). (V. Pinna)

Scano di Montiferro - Antonio Flore , 39, reconfirmed. (V. Pinna)

Seneghe - Commissariat

Senis - Salvatore Soi , 70, had already administered in three previous councils. (V. Pinna)

Siris - Emanuele Pilloni, 34, has imposed himself on Monica Dessì. (V. Pinna)

Solarussa - Mario Tendas , former Pd regional councilor, will lead the country for another 5 years. (V. Pinna)

Tadasuni - Pierpaolo Pisu , 67, was the extraordinary commissioner of the small town until two days ago. (V. Pinna)

Tramatza - Maria Sebastiana Moro

Villaurbana - Paolo Pireddu, 37, reconfirmed. (V. Pinna)

Zerfaliu - Commissariat


Aritzo - Paolo Fontana , 59, former mayor of Aritzo for two terms between 2000 and 2010, has been reconfirmed at the helm of the town of Barbagia. His list, “Aritzo Futura”, beat the one led by the 58-year-old former mayor Gualtiero Mameli, which stopped at 47.51%. For a year the country was administered by the extraordinary commissioner Antonio Monni, after the quorum of 50% plus one of the voters, necessary for Mameli, the only list then candidate, to become mayor was not reached in the last elections. (D. Melis)

Baunei - Stefano Monni

Belvì - Maurizio Cadau , 37, former deputy mayor and head of the only list presented to Belvì, is the new first citizen of the capital of Barbagia. The quorum of 40% plus one of the voters, necessary for “Insieme. Per Belvì ”in order to administer the town, it had already been largely exceeded yesterday. Today the turnout was 73.65%: Belvì is the third town in the province of Nuoro where more people went to the polls. The country thus says goodbye to the extraordinary commissioner Luisa Mattu, who led it for a year. (D. Melis)

Borore - Tore Ghisu

Cardedu - Giacomo Pani , 51, in the running with the list "Let's rebuild for the future", regional secretary CGIL Nuoro-Ogliastra, has won the seat of mayor in Cardedu. His opponent at the polls was outgoing mayor Matteo Piras, 43, an engineer. Pani obtained 702 preferences while Piras 539. The turnout was 73.72%. Pani wanted to thank the citizens for their trust. His opponent Piras wished the winners a good job from his Facebook page. (F. Lai)

Dorgali - Angela Testone with the Civic list “Sustainable and Inclusive Development, with Angela Testone”, wins in Dorgali with a gap of more than 20% on the candidate Elena Fancello and her list “Allegande and Frattazzande”. "In the meantime, I thank the citizens who rewarded us for a project born in Dorgali, and grown by listening to the citizens", commented the mayor. The winning political project was initially born around the Democratic Party, but from the beginning he declared himself "available to listen to and to the proposals of all", forming a civic list together with other political forces of the center and of the left. (A. Spanu)

Dualchi - Muroni Giovanni known as Nino

Fonni - Daniela Falconi is reconfirmed in Fonni with a percentage of votes equal to 53.72%. Falconi, 44, is on his way to his second term as mayor. The opposition will have Raffaele Maloccu, 51, who led the “In alto Fonni” list. Many people went to vote, so much so that Fonni is the town in the province of Nuoro with the highest turnout, which stands at almost 80%. (D. Melis)

Gadoni - Francesco Mario Peddio , 50, reconfirmed as mayor for the next five years. That of the outgoing first citizen was the only list running for elections in the country of 704 inhabitants, where over one hundred of the voters are resident abroad and registered in AIRE. The turnout at the polls stopped at 43.87%, guaranteeing Peddio and his list, “Insieme per Gadoni”, ten seats on the City Council. (D. Melis)

Loculi - Alessandro Luche

Lotzorai - Cesare Alessandro Mannini , a 43-year-old surveyor, is the new mayor of Lotzorai. At the polls Cesare Mannini outclassed the outgoing Antonello Rubiu. The electoral result is a plebiscite for the now former leader of the opposition: 920 votes against the opponent's 532, who remained in office for ten years. (R. Secci)

Orani - Marco Ziranu : after the five-year mandate of Antonio Fadda, who decided not to reapply, Orani has a new mayor. This is Marco Ziranu, 48, who in the morning today defeated the quorum by 40% plus one of the voters. His list, "Unite for Orani", was the only one in the running to administer Costantino Nivola's country. Turnout was 49.19%, slightly down from 66.04% five years ago. (D. Melis)

Orgosolo - Pasquale Mereu , 67, is the new mayor of Orgosolo. The former teacher, at the top of the “Aunios” list of very young people, won with 70.60% of the votes. Nicola Garippa, 48, expression of the outgoing administration, former councilor for public works, stops at 29.40%, thus winning the four opposition seats. The turnout in the country was very high, equal to 64.08 per cent. "Especially that of young people", specifies the newly elected mayor Mereu. (D. Melis)

Orosei - Elisa Farris with 2,178 votes becomes the first woman to lead the municipal administration of Orosei. But the decision of the Interior Ministry weighs heavily on its proclamation, which will have to verify the real achievement of the quorum of 40%. This is what we read on the Viminale portal: "based on the unofficial data received, the election is valid for reaching the voting quorum of 40%, calculated by deducting from the voters those registered in Aire who did not vote". Out of 6,033 voters, in fact, the voters were 2,319 (38.44%): now it will be the Ministry of the Interior that will recalculate the numbers and give the definitive go-ahead for the proclamation of the exponent of the Sardinian Action Party.

Orotelli - Tonino Bosu known as Toni , 50, in his second administrative experience, after a mandate as an opposition councilor in the past, has overtaken the candidate, outgoing majority councilor, Piero Mereu, 57, by just over a hundred votes. Bosu thus happens to Nannino Marteddu, who has been in administration for thirty years. In the country there was a turnout of 56.85%. (D. Melis)

Ovodda - Ilenia Vacca new first town of Ovodda. The 36-year-old law graduate takes over from Cristina Sedda, who has reached the end of her third term. In the afternoon, the newly elected to the applause symbolically received the keys to the town from the former mayor. The percentage of voters is high at 71.4%, 6 points more than the previous elections. For "Commitment Common" only list in the field, 910 votes. (L. Cadeddu)

Silanus - Gian Pietro Arca

Siniscola - Gian Luigi Farris , reconfirmed. His list is imposed on that of the center-left headed by Anna Grazia Pau, the main antagonist at the polls with an advantage of 271 preferences (2055 for Farris against 1794 for Pau). Third Amos Mulargia with 1263 votes and fourth Marcantoni Farris with 822 preferences. (F. Ungredda)

Arise - Commissariat

Talana - Christian Loddo

Tertenia - Giulio Murgia has been confirmed mayor of Tertenia. In the three-way challenge, the 43-year-old surveyor won 97 votes more than his most direct opponent, the entrepreneur Franco Lai. Third Guido Pisu, retired teacher with a past as mayor. (R. Secci)

Triei - Anna Assunta Tironi

Ulassai - Giovanni Soru , 67, engineer, is the new mayor of Ulassai. Running with the civic list "Il yard", made up of twelve candidates for the office of councilor, against the outgoing mayor Gian Luigi Serra, 41, engineer, at the head of the civic list "Viviamo Ulassai". Soru obtained 56.18% of the votes while Serra 43.82%. Voter turnout stood at 68.9%. (F. Lai)


Alà dei Sardi - Francesco Ledda

Ardara - Francesco Dui

Banari - Francesco Basciu is the new mayor of Banari. The leaders of “Attalmente Banari” got the better of Marco Carta, at the helm of “Insieme per Banari”. "We are really happy - these are his words - that people have trusted us. We are a new group, in discontinuity with the old administration. A list with young and old, with a great desire to do" (A.Caria)

Benetutti - Daniele Arca

Bonorva - Massimo D'Agostino will remain mayor of Bonorva for another five years. "Ideas for Bonorva 2.0" defeated the list headed by Giuseppe Ghisu "Bonorva in Movimento". “I am very happy - so D'Agostino -. We can continue the things we have already undertaken and I am happy to carry them forward because they are useful to everyone. It was a great victory, the country recognized what we have done ”. (A. Caria)

Borutta - Silvano Arru remains at the helm of the municipality of Borutta. His "Borutta Viva" list got the better of Borutta 2021 headed by Matteo Cabras, head of the "Borutta 2021" list. "I am very happy - said Arru - because the country has confirmed that it appreciates us and has confirmed the trust that those who have already placed in previous years". “It will be - concluded Arru - a project in continuity. We have so many projects to do, so many ideas, and so many young people who give us great energy and great enthusiasm ”. For him, who also holds the position of president of the Union of Municipalities of the Meilogu, this is the third consecutive term. (A. Caria)

Bulzi - Bernardo Obinu

Cargeghe - Antonio Ruiu

Codrongianos - Cristian Budroni

Esporlatu - Antonio Fadda

Luras - Mauro Azzena

Martis - Tiziano Antonio Gavino Lasia

Monteleone Rocca Doria - Giovannina Fresi

Mores - Enrico Virdis , 44, outgoing deputy mayor, is the new mayor of Mores, the center of the Meilogu of 1,800 inhabitants. Domenico Serra and Stefania Sassu, who were at the helm of the two respective antagonistic civic lists, prevailed over the other candidates for mayor. "We believed in it from the beginning and we won - comments the new mayor -. Apart from myself, the others members of the civic list have never had political experience. But these are people of whom I am proud and who already have a considerable baggage of commitment and professional skills behind them. Now we have 5 years of hard work ahead of us. At the beginning of the mandate, in addition to programming, we will dedicate ourselves first of all to urban decor, the requalification of the heritage and the relaunch of cultural and historical tourism ". (A. Tellini)

Muros - Federico Tolu

Nughedu S. Nicolò - Michele Carboni

Olmedo -   Toni Faedda , 51, was reconfirmed as mayor of Olmedo. He clearly defeated Angela Simula. "If my first election was beautiful, this is even more so - says Faedda -. They were very hard years, severely marked by the pandemic. However, citizens have understood the sacrifices made by the Administration, both in the reorganization of finances and in programming. Public works were there for everyone to see. I'm really happy and can't wait to get back to work ". (A. Tellini)

Sennori - Nicola Sassu , 39, has been reconfirmed mayor of the town of 7 thousand inhabitants a few kilometers from Sassari, an important agricultural and commercial center. He defeated the other candidate Nicola Bianchi. "In the past legislature we have carried out numerous public works, ranging in many sectors, from culture to sport. - explains Nicola Sassu - Also for this the citizens have rewarded us, also positively evaluating our programming and our good governance. the victory is however great and this enthusiasm will also act as a driving force for the next 5 years "(A.Tellini)

Telti - Domenico Vittorio Pinducciu

Trinità d'Agultu e Vignola - Giampiero Carta , 44, has been reconfirmed as mayor of Trinità d'Agultu. He defeated the other candidate Francesco Lepori: "It was a very tough election campaign and I had to endure heavy personal accusations - he says -. The fellow citizens, however, have chosen administrative continuity, rewarding the great work carried out in the legislature. Now the time to rejoice. But from tomorrow we will think about the many things to do for Trinità d'Agultu and Vignola ". (A. Tellini)

Tula - Andrea Becca

Uri - Matteo Emanuele Dettori


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