The Ministry of Labor led by Sardinian Elvira Calderone is completing the reform of the basic income promised in the electoral campaign which should lead to overall savings of at least 2-3 billion a year compared to the current 7-8 spent annually on income .
The subsidy that has helped thousands of people to survive will not disappear completely, guaranteed the minister, but will change form. And also name: it will become “Mia”, Active inclusion measure.
THE REQUIREMENTS – According to Corriere della Sera, the measure will take effect at the end of the seven-month extension of the citizen's income envisaged in the latest budget law. So in August or the first of September at the latest. Poor families without employable people (where there is at least one minor or an elderly person over 60 or a disabled person) and families with employable people with at least one person between 18 and 60 years of age can request it. For this second category there are more restrictions (shorter duration and lower amount) but the restriction also applies to the first category. The amount should be between 375 and 500 euros per month , to be clarified how much the possible addition to the rent will amount to.

DURATION – For the poor , the measure will be valid for up to 18 months , from the second application onwards 12 months. For those who can be employed no more than 12 months the first time, six months for the second . A possible third application can be presented only after a break of a year and a half .
THE ROOF IS GOING DOWN – The Isee threshold for being entitled to the new active inclusion measure should drop from the current 9,360 euros to 7,200 euros. The residence requirement in Italy drops from 10 to 5 years, a limit more in line with constitutional and European criteria.

JOB – Employable people are obliged to register on a national platform of the Ministry of Labour, where they will receive offers. At the first refusal, the performance is forfeited. The rule that already allows income holders to combine the allowance with income from seasonal or intermittent work of up to 3,000 euros a year will be extended to all types of employee work. To avoid irregularities and abuses, controls will be strengthened.


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